I just released ktlint-gradle 11.5.1 which fixes a bug where custom rule sets were not loaded in #ktlint 0.49+. Please try it out and report any issues in the github issue tracker.
I just released ktlint-gradle 11.5.0 adds compatibility with #ktlint 0.50.0. Please try it out and report any issues in the github issue tracker.
I recently released ktlint-gradle 11.4.1 and 11.4.2 which fix some bugs around incremental #ktlint runs and fixes some compatibility issues with older kotlin versions. Please try it out and report any issues in the github issue tracker.
I just released ktlint-gradle 11.4.0 which supports #ktlint 0.49.1 and has an improvement to incremental builds. please try it out and report any issues in the github issue tracker. https://github.com/JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle/releases/tag/v11.4.0 #gradle #kotlin
I just released ktlint-gradle 11.4.0 which supports #ktlint 0.49.1 and has an improvement to incremental builds. please try it out and report any issues in the github issue tracker. https://github.com/JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle/releases/tag/v11.4.0 #gradle
Tell me about it!
At first, I was using a bunch of reflection, but now, as I work on 0.49.x support in ktlint-gradle, I'm using multiple source sets with different compileOnly dependencies on ktlint. I have also been collaborating with the ktlint maintainers in #ktlint on kotlin slack. From what I understand, they made these breaking changes to get the API where they want for 1.0 to ensure more stability in the long run.
I have released ktlint-gradle 11.3.1 which adds support for #Gradle 8!
Full Release notes here: https://github.com/JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle/releases/tag/v11.3.1 #ktlint
ktlint-gradle 11.2.0 is released, bringing multiple fixes to support newer #ktlint versions:
#kotlin #gradle
I have recently been contributing to ktlint-gradle https://github.com/JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle to bring support for newer versions of #ktlint 11.1.0 is out which adds compatibility for 0.45-0.48, and another release will be out soon which will clean up some bugs in the 0.46-0.48 support. #gradle #kotlin