New profile! #aboutMe: #oldMillenial / #xennial hobbyist doing #webDev (#HTML, #CSS, #JavaScript, #d3js, #react, #nextjs, #nodejs, #vanillaJS, #JSON)... #rstats #rshiny & #python use #js for interactive graphics. I'm good at #wordpress and #wikipedia but I would love to learn #linux & #github & #mongoDB ... Cloud things sound cool. Is #fullStack in my future? Can i build a server? What is SSH? What is #docker / #kubernates? I'm prolly out of my league but here to learn.
#aboutme #oldmillenial #xennial #webdev #html #css #javascript #d3js #react #nextjs #nodejs #vanillajs #json #rstats #rshiny #python #js #wordpress #wikipedia #linux #github #mongodb #fullstack #docker #kubernates
WebAssembly can replace Kubernetes ? π€ #webassemply #k8s #kubernates