I. Don't. Trust. NASA. At. All. About. Anything. But. I. Like. It. That. Way #ArcticLemming #DevonIsland #Burbank #Kubrik #Soundstage #OrangeFilter 😁
#arcticlemming #devonisland #burbank #kubrik #soundstage #orangefilter
I. Don't. Trust. NASA. At. All. About. Anything. But. I. Like. It. That. Way #ArcticLemming #DevonIsland #Burbank #Kubrik #Soundstage #OrangeFilter 😁
#arcticlemming #devonisland #burbank #kubrik #soundstage #orangefilter
#BFI article about #Kubrik's 2001 and the invention of the #iPad https://www2.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/news-bfi/features/did-stanley-kubrick-invent-ipad
The part about the internet at the end is interesting. There is a quote from #ArthurCClarke's #book explaining how up in space Floyd receives hourly news updates.
The writer of the article then explains that the internet means we get new updates more frequently than every hour. However, I'm not sure the internet extends to 'far out in space' so I think every hour is pretty good.
#book #arthurcclarke #ipad #kubrik #bfi
Ricostruzione in scala 1 a 12 dell'iconica scena del film "2001 Odissea nello spazio"
#2001OdisseaNelloSpazio #2001ASpaceOdyssey #Discovery #Astronaut #Kubrik #Modellismo #ModelloInScala #ScaleModel #Fantascienza #SciFi #ScienceFictions
#2001odisseanellospazio #2001aspaceodyssey #discovery #astronaut #kubrik #modellismo #modelloinscala #scalemodel #fantascienza #scifi #sciencefictions
This is so cool:
‘The police came because of the sea of red gore’: unseen photos from the set of The Shining
Hoy a las 19.00 hrs en SalaK #Maipú (Teatro Municipal, Pajaritos #2045, a unos pasos de la estación Metro Plaza Maipú) exhibirán gratis #2001ASpaceOdissey de #Kubrik. Inscribirse en www.salak.cl o www.maipuencomun.cl
No diga que no le avisaron! ✨🌌🚀✨🎥🎞️🎬
#maipu #2001aspaceodissey #kubrik