Kuhn Rikon Auto Safety Master Can & Bottle Opener http://toolsandtoys.net/kuhn-rikon-auto-safety-master-can-bottle-opener/ #kuhnrikonautosafetymasteropener #kuhnrikonautosafetycanopener #kuhnrikonmasteropener #kitchenmulti-tools #kuhnrikoncanopener #kitchenmulti-tool #kitchenmultitools #madeinswitzerland #kitchenmultitool #masteropener #multi-tools #canopeners #multi-tool #multitools #canopener #kuhnrikon #multitool #swissmade #Kitchen #kitchen #Tools #swiss #tools #Food #food #tool
#kuhnrikonautosafetymasteropener #kuhnrikonautosafetycanopener #kuhnrikonmasteropener #kitchenmulti #kuhnrikoncanopener #kitchenmultitools #madeinswitzerland #kitchenmultitool #masteropener #multi #canopeners #multitools #canopener #kuhnrikon #multitool #swissmade #kitchen #tools #swiss #food #tool
@sinabhfuil due to VAT rules from 2021 which they should have overcome by now.
German webshop still open which is odd as it's still #EU and therefore single market rules apply.
If you know someone in Germany you could shop and get it sent on from there.
Alternatively to #UK and posted on but you may get hit with extra charges.
#eu #uk #customs #taric #kuhnrikon
Whoah, has #KuhnRikon abandoned all of its #EU customers? Here's the company's #France website saying "Webshop closed - no sales possible"! #WhatTheHell?
#kuhnrikon #eu #france #whatthehell
I'm honestly astonished that a #Swiss #multinational that actually has an #Irish website (with a #ShoppingBasket as part of it) can't get it together to organise #TARIC - #EU #Customs rules - to be able to send #SpareParts to #EU customers #KuhnRikon
#swiss #multinational #irish #shoppingbasket #taric #eu #customs #spareparts #kuhnrikon
I wonder is #KuhnRikon getting a lot of #customer requests for #SpareParts. I've had a series of emails with the same name signing them, which appear to be unaware of each other, but say they can't send parts for a failing #PressureCooker to #Ireland, only to #NorthernIreland. I've contacted the #HQ in #Switzerland, but no reply so far… Don't think I'd be buying from them again after this experience
#kuhnrikon #customer #spareparts #PressureCooker #ireland #northernireland #hq #switzerland
@tk @garethstack Don't think I've ever asked for a package to be left with my (very nice) neighbours, but sometimes it's been done anyway! However, my current problem is a #Swiss firm that simply doesn't deliver to #Ireland! #KuhnRikon
@klillington But also, it means I can't get the part for my pressure cooker, because #KuhnRikon only ship to #NorthernIreland. Oh, well, I'm sure it's perfectly safe to use it without the part
@klillington It's not Customs I want to evade, I don't mind paying duty - it's the goddamn "handling charges" if a firm doesn't apply the duty correctly. I'll see if I can buy my #KuhnRikon parts from the #Swiss motherhouse, but doubt they'll ship across Europe either
Wow, never knew #KuhnRikon was such an interesting firm - they mass-employed #Tibetan refugees in the 1960s and still do, as well as founding the #Tibet Institute Rikon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuhn_Rikon
Shit! #KuhnRikon, who make my beloved and much used pressure cooker, say they don't ship #SpareParts to the #RepublicofIreland but only to #NorthernIreland - despite having an .ie version of the website!
#kuhnrikon #spareparts #republicofireland #northernireland