A quick note that one of my favorite YouTube accounts, which has loads of content from a charming early TV show I've posted here a few times before, is currently 5 subscribers away from a full 2k. Just saying is all...
The #KuklaFranAndOllie recovery project on YouTube is up to June 1951. In this episode, Mercedes has a math problem that doesn't exactly go viral, but it has virus-like qualities.
#1950sTV #KFO #ClassicTV
#classictv #KFO #1950stv #kuklafranandollie
#JukeboxFridayNight #Communication
Tooie Talk - #KuklaFranAndOllie
#kuklafranandollie #communication #JukeboxFridayNight
On December 25, 1931, New York's Metropolitan Opera initiated 91 years (and counting) of radio broadcasts with a production of Englebert Humperdinck's #HanselAndGretel. This is very obviously not it, but the Kuklapolitans do the best with what they have...even taking the cast rebellion into account.
#KuklaFranAndOllie, December 28, 1949
#merrychristmas #1940s #vintagetv #kuklafranandollie #hanselandgretel
#FranAllison (1907-1989) was #BornOnThisDay.
She was best known as the star of #KuklaFranAndOllie — a beloved kids show that debuted in 1947 and continued, in one form or another, through the 1970s!
The series was created by puppeteer #BurrTillstrom (1917-1985).
#classictv #burrtillstrom #kuklafranandollie #bornonthisday #franallison
Another Kukla Fran and Ollie Sunday, in which the Kuklapolitans discover the post-war cultural tier chart and try to figure out where they rank on it.
Highbrow and Lowbrow - April 11, 1949
#KuklaFranAndOllie #TV #Television #ClassicTV #1949
#television #kuklafranandollie #tv #classictv
No #KuklaFranAndOllie hashtag yet, either. We should do something about that. It's the most humane piece of early American #TV I can think of.
Kukla, Fran and Ollie - Lemonade - August 17, 1949
#kuklafranandollie #tv #classictv #television #1940s #TVClassics