Kristiaan De Greve is Programme Director of #QuantumComputing at #imec, Associate Professor at #KULeuven and visiting researcher at #Harvard University.
The Belgian NREN #Belnet spoke to him about #QuantumKeyDistribution and the focus of the #BeQCI project. 👉
The article is also featured in the latest issue of the GÉANT CONNECT Magazine, #CONNECT43 👉
#cryptography #QKD #quantum #connect43 #beqci #QuantumKeyDistribution #Belnet #harvard #kuleuven #IMEC #quantumcomputing
Full-time position at KU Leuven, Belgium: “Professor in software systems and software development for edge computing”. Focus on software and data deployed and stored on the edge of a cloud computing infrastructure, in sensors, actuators, mobile devices or IoT nodes. The scope of the vacancy includes middleware, programming techniques, and supporting tools to create sustainable edge computing software. Apply before Nov. 7. More info here:,
#academicpositions #KULeuven
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Search for ultralight axion dark matter in a side-band analysis of a 199 Hg free-spin precession signal
C. Abel et al.
SciPost Phys. 15, 058 (2023)
#ETH Zurich
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #UniversityofSussex #eth #UniversitédeCaenBasse #PSI #JagiellonianUniversity #kuleuven #UniversityofBern #UniversityofKentucky #UGA #JohannesGutenbergUniversityofMainz #USYD #UniversityofFribourg #arc #FWO #SNF
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Calorimetry for active systems
Pritha Dolai, Christian Maes, Karel Netočný
SciPost Phys. 14, 126 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #kuleuven #ASCR
RT @KU_Leuven
Nieuw onderzoek door prof. @OGovaere : niet-alcoholische leververvetting nu op te sporen met bloedtest. Dit alternatief voor ingrijpende, dure biopsie maakt snellere behandeling mogelijk. #kuleuven @UniofNewcastle @IHIEurope @NatMetabolism Lees meer 👇
In Belgium a judge decided that a reading by Austrian Nazi-lover Martin Sellner has to proceed, even though #KULeuven itself considered it a risk for public safety.
The reading is organised by the same people complaining that judges are "activist wokies boycotting the right" and universities "indoctrinate people into woke blaargh blaargh blaargh".
I cannot comprehend how anyone can hear that and think "those lads lads lads are onto something."
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Particle dynamics on torsional galilean spacetimes
José Figueroa-O'Farrill, Can Görmez, Dieter Van den Bleeken
SciPost Phys. 14, 059 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #edinburghuniversity #BoğaziçiUniversity #kuleuven #TÜBİTAK
Very much looking forward to the presentation of Roberta Pireddu, who will present the results of the #CitizenHeritage project at the #KULeuven #OpenScience Day on 2 May:
#citizenheritage #kuleuven #openscience
Ook Veto (#KULeuven) bericht over het foute idee om de Green Office van #UGent alle middellen te ontnemen.
“Om de tekorten aan te vullen”. Universiteiten een middel tot zelfontplooiing?
Nee hoor, een tussenleverancier van schakeltjes voor de arbeidsmarkt om de inkomstenstroom van de aandeelhouders lopende te houden. #KULeuven als deel van de #markteconomie. Wat zielig.
Thomas Margoni will be one of the keynote speakers at our #KULeuven #OpenScience Day with a very topical talk about the (legal) datafication of Open Science:
#kuleuven #openscience #oskuleuven23
What makes our #KULeuven
#OpenScience Day so special, is that #OpenScience is discussed from a researchers' perspective. Happy to present a programme featuring more than 10 #KULeuven researchers who will share their experience:
Very proud to announce the #KULeuven #OpenScience Day, which will take place on 2 May. Check out the programme and register:
#kuleuven #openscience #oskuleuven23
Searching for good reasons to attend #IGeLU2023?
👉 #ChatGPT response to my question – ‘What is there to do in #Leuven, Belgium?’
➡️ Answer:
#igelu2023 #chatgpt #leuven #kuleuven #IGeLU
🙌 There is hope 💚🌾🌿
Hoop dat jullie ook dit voorbeeld volgen ↩️↩️
#Universiteitgent #KULeuven #VrijeUniversiteitBrussel #UniversiteitAntwerpen
"Students at the University of #Cambridge have voted to support a #transition to a solely #vegan menu across its catering services."
#universiteitgent #kuleuven #vrijeuniversiteitbrussel #universiteitantwerpen #universiteithasselt #cambridge #transition #Vegan #thefutureisvegan
#ChatGPT verbieden of omarmen?
Vorm je graag een genuanceerde opinie gebaseerd op een algemeen begrip van de onderliggende technologie en een multidisciplinair perspectief van experts?
Wel, dan moet écht naar dit #KULeuven event komen.
Next was a fantastic talk by Anna Stenning on narrative agency, #autism, & recognition at #KULeuven. People with autism often aren't recognized as being capable of telling their own story, & this important examination of what it means to be autistic today lays out why this needs to change and how to go about it. I often find #neurodiversity left out of workplace diversity conversations, so for those in management in particular this is a must listen. Highly recommend (3/4)
#autism #kuleuven #neurodiversity
May you give us a hand with our research?
Please visit and participate on a brief survey on the identification of #deepfakes.
This will help us advance the design of more transparent #ArtificialIntelligence systems.
#VUB #KULeuven #UAntwerp
#deepfakes #artificialintelligence #vub #kuleuven #uantwerp
The #IGeLU Program Planning Committee is please to announce that Koen Debackere, Professor of Technology and Innovation at the Faculty of Economics and Business of #KULeuven, will be our opening keynote speaker at #IGeLU2023 in #Leuven.
💡Conference theme: #Libraries enabling #innovation 💪
📢 Call for proposals:
👨🎓 About Koen Debackere:
#IGeLU #kuleuven #igelu2023 #leuven #libraries #innovation