Fabricio Lamoncha on ‘Digital Weeds - Interstitial Interfaces’. #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #artisticresearch #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #interfacecultures #ufg #iclinz
#KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #ArtisticResearch #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #interfacecultures #ufg #iclinz
Valentina Pettinger, Nina Hoffer #TypInfrauenschreiben*wiki (NOWA), https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #wikipedia #artisticresearch #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #nowagraz
#typinfrauenschreiben #KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #wikipedia #ArtisticResearch #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge #nowagraz
Afternoon session: 14-15:00 Jean-Frédéric Berthelot (Wikidata Austria) on ‘Describing #videogames, the #Wikidata way’, @JeanFred https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #artisticresearch #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
#videogames #wikidata #KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #ArtisticResearch #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
Mag. Evelyn Tschernko (AAI - Afro-Asian Institute Graz) and Sebastián Palacios, on three artistic archiving strategies: Archiv der Vordenkerinnen / Archive of thought leaders, Archive of little things, Archive of a Sudanese Nomad (with #citywriter 2023 Abdelaziz Baraka Sakin) https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #artisticresearch #archives #libraries
#citywriter #KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #ArtisticResearch #archives #libraries
Ricardo Ginés (#TacticalTech) on ‘Archiving as an art form’ (#Otlet & #Avram) https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
#tacticaltech #otlet #avram #KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
Leonhard Rabensteiner on the Archive of #ForumStadtpark @LR https://mur.at/project/worklab-2023/ #kig #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge
#ForumStadtpark #KIG #kulturingraz #graz #worklab2023 #diyarchiving #digitalisation #archives #libraries #opensource #openknowledge