We all know Cheyenne Hamidi and Kumiko are the awesomest couple on Cobra Kai. #CobraKai #KarateKid #TheKarateKid #CheyenneHamidi #SalomeAzizi #Kumiko #TamlynTomita
#cobrakai #karatekid #thekaratekid #cheyennehamidi #salomeazizi #kumiko #tamlyntomita
Sometimes I feel like I spend more time making the things for making the things, than I do actually making the things.
This asa-no-ha kumiko piece required 5 jigs to make. A jigumi (lattice) jig, two angle jigs, a picture frame jig, and a spline jig. The good news is that I can now reuse these jigs over and over again.
The kumiko is basswood with a sapele frame and maple splines with a painted plywood backing. The finish is tung oil.
#woodworking #kumiko #jigs #somanyjigs
Boite à thé kumiko par maethor https://www.lairdubois.fr/creations/21047-boite-a-the-kumiko.html #lairdubois #kumiko #queues_darondes #boite_a_the
#lairdubois #kumiko #queues_darondes #boite_a_the
Update on my miniature chisels - they work great!
This is my first attempt at hexagonal kumiko patterns, and the smallest 1/8" chisel is perfect for cleaning out the half-lap joints. On my first try I cut the joints too deep, so "Type B" pieces split. My second try, shown here, wasn't quite deep enough so they won't sit flat. So I'll have to deepen them before adding the inner pieces.
#joinin #kumiko #handtools #miniature
I’m a hobbyist woodworker newly transferred from Twitter. I mostly post to Instagram (@tom.howorth) and Furnitology, but wanted to start a presence here.
I make a variety of things, but am trying to focus on Japanese kumiko. Looking for other woodworkers to follow here.
#woodworking #woodworker #kumiko #maker
#woodworking #woodworker #kumiko #maker
Kumiko, découpe de bande dessinée et lecture case par case
#kumiko #bd #bandedessinée #logiciellibre #opensource