The latest hot sales on #Switch: #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtlesShreddersRevenge, #KUNAI, #YoungSouls, #GolfPeaks, #CozyGrove, #Windjammers2, #LittleNoahScionofParadise, #PangAdventures, #TriggerWitch, #TEN, #HappyGame, #HaikutheRobot...
#switch #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtlesShreddersRevenge #kunai #youngsouls #golfpeaks #cozygrove #windjammers2 #littlenoahscionofparadise #pangadventures #triggerwitch #ten #happygame #haikutherobot
Hello everyone, my friend Ernesto Java and I are rewriting #Kunai in order to improve code and follow #cpp code guidelines, my idea is doing a more documented and cleaner code. Any one is welcome to help with an issue, or with the code, I try to make #Kunai a community project :D
Finally I had time to do the next release on #Kunai:, new Kunai's version (Kunai Japan Edition), improves performance through different code fixes including a major refactoring in source code. I highly modified DEX analysis to avoid usage of std::shared_ptr, for the use of std::unique_ptr, keeping ownership of objects on specific classes, and avoid using counters from std::shared_ptr. Through a memory analysis I also found a big issue in dex_analysis where instructions map was being copied making process slow. Right now I cannot work on newer features for the moment but I will continue once I finish some job tasks.
And as I promised today I make public #KUNAI's repository, you can already access to it in:
So if you're an analyst who wants to work with DEX (for the moment) you can write tools using this library for parsing, disassembly and IR Lifting.
And as I promised today I make public #KUNAI's repository, you can already access to it in:
So if you're an analyst who wants to work with DEX (for the moment) you can write tools using this library for parsing, disassembly and IR Lifting.
Il semblerait que la totalité du stand Dotemu nous ait tapé dans l'oeil lors de la #Gamescom2019. Et ce n'est pas Nicaulas qui dit le contraire avec sa preview de #KUNAI, développé par TurtleBlaze.