Started my day off with a new kundalini meditation for joy and contentment. I liked the meditation but her style felt like barking orders not gently guiding you to find your joy.
Tried a new yoga teacher today. Even though the kriya was energetic, her soft, gentle voice helped to create a calm feeling. I think I will check out more of her videos.
#yoga #kundaliniYoga
6 years ago, I went to a #Phish show - my only one that year - and abetted by an enhanced Altoid had a life-changing experience. I made new life-long friends and had revelations that led me to quit smoking for good, start a daily #KundaliniYoga practice, commit to biking, and really work on improving the quality of relationships with the people I love through some very rocky moments.
Not coincidentally, it’s the day that, for a brief few minutes pre-show, I met @SarahSingsank 💚💚💚
Discover the Exciting World of Different Yoga Styles
Yoga has gained immense popularity worldwide due to its numerous health benefits. I will explore the world of diverse yoga styles and discover the unique benefits they offer.
#Yoga #HathaYoga #KundaliniYoga #Vinyasa #VinyasaFlow #VinyasaYoga #YinYoga #YogaStyles
#yoga #hathayoga #kundaliniyoga #vinyasa #vinyasaflow #vinyasayoga #yinyoga #yogastyles
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is a transformative combination of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation that has the ability to elevate energy and unlock inner vitality.
#Meditation #Yoga #KundaliniYoga
#meditation #yoga #kundaliniyoga
Ich möchte Euch heute die Nasenlochatmung zeigen:
Vorab setzt euch bequem hin, liegen geht auch. Wichtig ist das die Wirbelsäule gerade ist( Schultern runter, Knie ganz leicht zur Brust gezogen)
Beginne mit laaangem tiefem Atem, beim Einatmen drückt Ihr den den Bauchnabel nach vorne, soweit es geht, beim Ausatmung den Bauchnabel nochmal nach innen ziehen, bis Ihr wirklich leer seid.
Macht das sein paar mal.
#atemuebung #Yoga #kundaliniyoga
Today's track is a change of pace.
I am really enjoying this teacher's teaching style, very calming. She suggests this as a 40 day kriya. I've tried them in the past but never make it. I might as well try again.
#yoga #kundaliniYoga #40DayKriya
#yoga #kundaliniyoga #40daykriya
Trying to clear some cobwebs
#yoga #kundaliniYoga
I managed to do some yin for my back and some kundalini for energy and then this gorgeous meditation
#yoga #kundaliniYoga #yogavision
#yoga #kundaliniyoga #yogavision
New instance, new intro!
I'm a #GenX hairstylist in the DC suburbs, mom to 2 adult sons and 3 dogs. I #sew, #knit, do #yoga (mostly #kundaliniYoga. In 2019-2020, I lost 80lbs and reversed my type 2 diabetes with the #wfpb diet as laid out in the book #ForksOverKnives and I love to cook yummy #veganfood. I've had #ChronicInsomnia since birth, as well as #rls, #AlphaDeltaSleepDisorder, #remSleepBehavioralDisorder. Recently learned that #aphantasia is a thing and I have it.
#genx #sew #knit #yoga #kundaliniyoga #wfpb #forksoverknives #veganfood #chronicinsomnia #rls #alphadeltasleepdisorder #remsleepbehavioraldisorder #aphantasia
Daily practice check-in: missed morning yoga yesterday, but found a relaxing evening video so at least I got something done. This morning was a long chakra balancing kundalini kriya. I love starting the day with some breath of fire!
#dailyyoga #yoga #kundaliniyoga
#dailyyoga #Yoga #kundaliniyoga
Day 6 of daily yoga practice: day 6 of Evolve challenge from Uplifted, plus crown chakra kundalini meditation.
#yoga #UpliftedYoga #kundaliniyoga
#Yoga #upliftedyoga #kundaliniyoga
Day 2 of the Uplifted NY's Evolve challenge video (today's focus "finding stillness in chaos")+ a nice root chakra kundalini meditation.
#yoga #UpliftedYoga #kundaliniyoga
#Yoga #upliftedyoga #kundaliniyoga
Yoga achieved! After finding and binging the first dozen episodes of the podcast Your Chakra Coach, I decided to spend this week on the sacral chakra, which I haven't worked on at all. The yoga video was good and tough, but my teacher's app doesn't have sacral chakra-focused kundalini meditation, so I hit up YouTube. A lot more kundalini on YouTube since I last looked. Found a nice SAT kriya and feel great!
#yoga #UpliftedYoga #kundaliniyoga
#Yoga #upliftedyoga #kundaliniyoga
The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.
~~Bhagavan Nityananda
#kundaliniyoga #consciousness #spirituality
Kundalini Yoga is a type of yoga that is practiced in order to awaken the spiritual energy, or kundalini, that lies dormant at the base of the spine. It is a practice that is said to help people improve their physical and mental health, as well as their spiritual well-being.
Read full article:
#kundaliniyoga #yoga #kundalini #meditation #hathayoga #kundaliniawakening
#kundaliniyoga #yoga #kundalini #meditation #hathayoga #kundaliniawakening