si je suis un jour interviewé par un magazine cinéphile huppé et sophistiqué à propos de ce que je juge comme de grands moments de cinéma que je pourrais revoir et revoir cent fois sans m'en lasser :
(dans Kung Fu Panda 2, quand Shen demande à Po d'un air incrédule "Comment as-tu fait ?" et qu'il répond "oh il faut juste bien lever les coudes et garder les épaules souples")
Tigress wins! Here's her training this human how to breed like a master 😏
#kungfupanda #mastertigress #furry #beastiality #bigass #bigtits #oc
I think the next personal story I want to write will be a solo Maid Marian story about her pleasuring herself. She has some time before her next royal duties, JUST enough time to attend to herself as a vixen.
Also thinking about doing a longer Kung Fu Panda story about Po and Tai Lung because a certain someone I know is craving a redemption story for Tai Lung.
And Bolt has been in my head for a hot minute. Kinda want to do a Bolt x Dodger story, but that goes off of another story I've read and I feel like I'd be copying it too much. I dunno, we'll see. #furry #furryart #writing #furrywriting #furrystories #rule34 #fanart #kungfupanda #robinhood #bolt
#furry #furryart #writing #furrywriting #furrystories #rule34 #FanArt #kungfupanda #robinhood #bolt
Finally watched #KungFuPanda on my flight. A masterpiece. A traditional story boiled down to its purest form, expertly executed, with humor, perfect pacing, and nothing unnecessary.
Tai Lung has returned to the land of the living and his first act, of course, is to return to the Jade Palace to confront Po! But he's decidedly more... submissive to Po's warrior wiles~
Comm from Anon!
#tailung #po #kungfupanda #facesitting #butt #fat
Kung Fu Panda 4's premise was revealed and it was partially what I expected.
The plot revolves around Po finding/training a successor while trying to stop the new big bad: The Chameleon. The Chameleon will revive the villains from previous films to aid them.
If Dreamworks keeps the momentum they established with Puss in Boots 2 then we're in for a fun time IMO
#kungfupanda #dreamworks #animation #movies #film
Kung Fu Panda and the Dragon Knight - Del Monte pineapple tags
#kungfupanda #kungfupandaandthedragonknight #netflix #dreamworks #delmonte #pineapple #bananastickers #cartoons
#cartoons #bananastickers #pineapple #delmonte #dreamworks #netflix #kungfupandaandthedragonknight #kungfupanda
I guess it is #Dreamworks week for my #DailyDoodle project. Now we have Po from #KungFuPanda.
#dreamworks #dailydoodle #kungfupanda #drawing #art #mastoart #illustration #animation
#Cinema time was a last minute change to Kung Fu Panda as the screen of my originally planned film had technical issues. Very glad it turned out that way though, #KungFuPanda remains one of my favourite films of all time. There are no accidents! :>
Same voice actor. #KungFuPanda #KungFuPandaTheDragonKnight #PussInBoots #PussInBootsTheLastWish
#kungfupanda #kungfupandathedragonknight #pussinboots #pussinbootsthelastwish
TV TONIGHT (January 12)
#Velma #ChristinaInTheCountry #MarriedToRealEstate #AllTheQueensMen #AccusedAE #TakingTheStand #VikingsValhalla #KungFuPanda #HowICaughtMyKiller #TheClimb #CriminalMinds #YoungSheldon #TheParentTest #Walker #HellsKitchen #SVU
#svu #hellskitchen #walker #theparenttest #youngsheldon #criminalminds #TheClimb #howicaughtmykiller #kungfupanda #VikingsValhalla #takingthestand #accusedae #allthequeensmen #marriedtorealestate #christinainthecountry #velma
Kung-Fu Panda, te enseña a aceptar tu presente y amarte tal cuál eres, sabiendo que siempre puedes mejorar 🤩
Kung-Fu Panda 2, te enseña a aceptar tu pasado, cómo afecta en ti y cómo enfrentarlo de la mejor manera ⚔
Kung-Fu Panda 3, te enseña a creer en tu futuro y aceptar sin miedo y con la mejor actitud los desafíos que se presentarán en tu camino 🐉
Po (El Guerrero Dragón) nos enseñó que siempre debemos ser la mejor versión de nosotros mismos, que hay que trabajar con dedicación y poner todo el corazón en lo que hagamos, sin importar lo que pase a nuestro alrededor y siempre tener en mente a todas aquellas personas que han estado con nosotros en este viaje llamado vida 🐼
Sin duda, una de las mejores películas animadas de la historia ❤
#geek #películas #kungfupanda #reflexión #pensamiento #acción #comedia #amor #pasado #futuro #amorpropio
#geek #peliculas #kungfupanda #reflexion #pensamiento #accion #comedia #amor #pasado #futuro #amorpropio
was talking with a friend how pretty the #kungfupanda movies are. I especially love the 3rd movie, and the concept art of it is breath-taking as well
#animation #movies #conceptart
#kungfupanda #animation #movies #conceptart
(1/2) I started it in July don’t ask why it took me so long to redo this sh!t idk snif #kungfupanda
Is Kung Fu Pandy a furry movie?