Today in Labor History May 29, 1881: Chinese educator, nationalist revolutionary and anarchist Li Shizeng was born. He led the anarchist Jinde Hui group (Society for Progress and Virtue), with Wu Zhihui, & Zhang Ji. He also tried unsuccessfully to turn the Guomindang into an anarchist organization. Indeed, he is known as one of the four anti-Communist elders of the Chinese Nationalist Party. In his youth, he earned graduate degrees in chemistry and biology in France, and opened the first European tofu factory.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #china #kuomintang #Revolution #communism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #china #kuomintang #Revolution #communism
Die neue Folge:
#China : Lasst Taiwan in Ruhe !
#taiwan #kuomintang #demokratie #autokratie #kommunismus #wissenschaft #wirtschaft #Podcast #Faktmybrain #infotainment #philosophie #psychologie #politik #gesellschaft #umwelt #ökonomie #musik #FCKNZS #noafd
#china #taiwan #kuomintang #demokratie #autokratie #kommunismus #wissenschaft #wirtschaft #podcast #FaktmyBrain #Infotainment #philosophie #psychologie #politik #Gesellschaft #umwelt #okonomie #musik #fcknzs #noafd
Today in Labor History April 12, 1927: The Shanghai massacre of 1927 occurred on this day. Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the right-wing, nationalist Kuomintang, ordered the execution of Chinese Communist Party members in Shanghai, ending the First United Front. They killed up to 10,000 people.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #china #communism #kmt #kuomintang #shanghai #massacre #Nationalism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #china #communism #kmt #kuomintang #shanghai #massacre #Nationalism
Today in Labor History February 28, 2004: Over 2 million Taiwanese formed a 500-kilometer human chain to commemorate the February 28 Incident and massacre.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #taiwan #February28 #civilian #massacre #kuomintang #HumanChain
#workingclass #LaborHistory #taiwan #february28 #civilian #massacre #kuomintang #humanchain
Today in Labor History February 28, 1947: The Kuomintang government in Taiwan put down an anti-government uprising known as the February 28 Incident. They killed 28,000 civilians. And in the White Terror that followed, the government killed, imprisoned or disappeared 30,000 more. These events helped spark the Taiwanese independence movement.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #kuomintang #taiwan #uprising #Formosa #massacre #civilian #slaughter #WhiteTerror #independence #chiang
#workingclass #LaborHistory #kuomintang #taiwan #uprising #Formosa #massacre #civilian #slaughter #whiteterror #independence #chiang
On this particular day, keep this in mind: the #Kuomintang is an invasive parasite in #Taiwan. And #KMT stands for "Kill many Taiwanese."
Great to see the new mayor of Taipei being interrupted in his speech. His main asset with KMT voters is his family name. He's an offspring of the mass-murdering tyrant known as #ChiangKaiShek aka Cash my Cheque.
#228massacre #unforgotten #unforgiven
#kuomintang #taiwan #kmt #chiangkaishek #228massacre #unforgotten #unforgiven
#Kuomintang Lire aussi :
Today in Labor History February 19, 1927: A General Strike occurred in Shanghai. In March, Communist union workers launched an uprising in Shanghai. However, the Kuomintang quashed the rebellion, slaughtering 5,000-10,000 in the Shanghai Massacre. In the 1940s, the Kuomintang were driven out of mainland China by the Communists, retreating to Taiwan, where they maintained a brutal dictatorship until the 1980s. By many accounts, the Kuomintang rule in Taiwan was even more corrupt and brutal than the Japanese dictatorship that preceded it. In 1947, they slaughtered tens of thousands in the February 28 Incident.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #china #taiwan #communist #kuomintang #CivilWar #massacre #CivilianDeaths #union #shanghai
#workingclass #LaborHistory #china #taiwan #communist #kuomintang #civilwar #massacre #civiliandeaths #union #shanghai
Today in Labor History December 11, 1927: Communist Red Guards launched an uprising in Guangzhou, China known as the Guangzhou Uprising. They took over most of the city and formed a Soviet-style Commune. It was wiped out after three days by the Kuomintang. Purges and mass executions followed. Over 5,700 communists died and at least that number went missing. It was the third failed uprising in 1927, yet uprisings continued across China.
#communist #communism #china #uprising #soviet #workingclass #LaborHistory #kuomintang
#communist #communism #china #uprising #soviet #workingclass #LaborHistory #kuomintang
Today in Labor History December 10, 1979: The Kaohsiung (Formosa) Incident, a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Taiwan. The country was under martial law. From 1949 until the late 1970s, the country was under the one-party rule of the Kuomintang (KMT). In 1978, President Carter had severed ties with the island nation. The KMT canceled elections. In January, 1979, the KMT arrested several opposition leaders. On December 9, police beat up two opposition volunteers. On December 10, they tried to hold the first Human Rights Day celebration. The military police surrounded the demonstrators, leading to violent clashes. The KMT arrested nearly all opposition leaders and held incommunicado for two months.
#martiallaw #taiwan #democracy #protesters #police #politicalprisoners #kuomintang #humanrights
#martiallaw #taiwan #democracy #protesters #police #politicalprisoners #kuomintang #humanrights
Kann die #Kuomintang #China nicht übernehmen, von #Taiwan aus? #COVID #Xi
#kuomintang #china #taiwan #covid #xi
@szkodnix Akurat u nich to teraz wybierają na wodzów miast/wiosek/innych jednostek, niżli to parlamentarne albo w ogóle prezydenckie (parlament i prezydent 2024 - łatwo zapamiętać bo rok ten sam co u nas wybór długopisu)
Bez bicia powiem, że nie mam czasu (za dużo tego jest) śledzić ruch każdego jednego kandydata wszędzie. Powiem tyle że moje słowotoki skupią się na stolicy. A więc o stolicy!
jeden z kandydatów z #Kuomintang (tzw. chińscy nacjonaliści), Chiang Wan-an dostaje opierdol od części suwerenu, że używa swojej dość nieciekawej historii rodzinnej jako część kampanii (polecam poczytać o wybrykach Chiang Kai-sheka, bękarckiego przodka Wan-ana jako kontekst dramy) — jak na moje mi to wszystko jedno, bo sam Kai-shek nie jest zero-jedynkowy jak u nas akwarelista i pewne zasługi dla republiki ma.
Opierdol zbiera raczej od zielonych (tajwańscy secesjoniści — w teorii obecnie panujący DPP i prezydentowa Tsai się do nich zalicza, aleeee, to kiedy indziej 😉), że to musi oznaczać bezkrytyczne poparcie dla występków Generalissimo — coś jak stęki sąsiadów o nasz ogródek, że popieramy pewnego pacana w kitce, bo nie dostał bana.
Sam Wan-an zły nie jest: bo do wyboru jest jeszcze Chen Shih-chung z DPP (a czytałem coś, że był przekręcik i ukrywanie danych przed suwerenem o szczepionkach za czasu, jak był ministrem zdrowia, i w ogóle chujowo, że rzucił tekę ministra dla wyborów, kiedy Covid szalał na wyspie.), niezależną Huang Shan-shan, która [podałem fejka, mea culpa, sprostowanie w następnym toocie jest] 😁
Ogólnie w tajwańskiej polityce trzeba młodych ludzi, dlatego też Wan-an jest popularnym wyborem. No i często panowanie w stolicy to krok w stronę panowania krajem (patrz ostatni prezydenci kraju poza Tsai), dlatego taki fokus na Tajpej.
Osobiście nie jestem lojalny Kuomintangowi, bo w Hualien liczę na zwycięstwo Kolas Yotaki (DPP) — fajna persona, a i reprezentacja dużej części rdzennej ludności jak znalazł 😋