Solidarity with Philip O’Keeffe after arrest in London
Statement from Solidarity Collectives regarding the detainment of Philip O’Keeffe under Schedule 7
#FinbarCafferkey #KurdishSolidarity #PhilipO039Keeffe #Schedule7 #Solidarity
#finbarcafferkey #kurdishsolidarity #philipo039keeffe #schedule7 #solidarity
Dreams within defeats: The Kurdish quest for meaning
“pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.”
#KurdishSolidarity #Rojava #Solidarity #TurkishElection
#kurdishsolidarity #Rojava #solidarity #turkishelection
Schedule 7: How the UK uses anti-terror laws to silence Kurds
British anti-terror police found themselves in the headlines this week after using a controversial power to detain a French publisher at the British border and quiz him about his opposition to the French government. Ernest Moret, who was travelling to the UK fo
#anti-terrorlaws #borders #ErnestMoret #Kurdishsolidarity #Schedule7
#anti #borders #ernestmoret #kurdishsolidarity #schedule7
Recent Decision to Stop All Attacks of Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla
Repost from Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) of parts of an interview with Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council:
“The centre of the earthquake and the areas hit by it are the areas where the PKK was founded. It i
#AKP-MHP #Kurdishsolidarity #Solidarity #Syria #Turkey #turkey-syriaearthquake
#akp #kurdishsolidarity #solidarity #syria #turkey
✌️ 🌱 We stand in solidarity with the Kurdish revolution and the uprisings of the people from all over the world.
Organize, become autonomous! ✊
Since the end of WWI, Kurds have been subjugated to hegemonic powers, genocides, and aggressions across the Middle East.
Enough is enough! #KurdishSolidarity supporters have come together to create @KurdDAO for global awareness & action.
Read more:…
Since the end of WWI, Kurds have been subjugated to hegemonic powers, genocides, and aggressions across the Middle East.
Enough is enough! #KurdishSolidarity supporters have come together to create for global awareness & action.
Read more:
Show #KurdishSolidarity by denying this watered down narrative. KurdDAO aims to bring global solidarity and awareness to the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom. Join us at
✨Support #kurdDAO, support #KurdishSolidarity!
❔Look at their website and follow their Twitter for more information!
What we know about the Paris shooting and its significance to Kurds
On the 23rd December 2022 a man named William Mallet opened fire on the street outside the Kurdistan Democratic Centre of Paris, which also h
#KurdishDemocraticCouncilofFrance #Kurdishsolidarity #KurdistanDemocraticCentreofParisKurdistanDemocraticCentreofParis #Paris #parisshooting #Rojava #Solidarity #WilliamMallet
#kurdishdemocraticcounciloffrance #kurdishsolidarity #kurdistandemocraticcentreofpariskurdistandemocraticcentreofparis #paris #parisshooting #Rojava #solidarity #williammallet
In coordination with the Kurdish Centre for Human Rights, we are launching KurdDAO to support women’s liberation, freedom for Kurdish political prisoners, & those standing for democratic autonomy in the Middle East. Join us at for #KurdishSolidarity
#Paris #kurdishsolidarity
Tote in Kurdischem Kulturzentrum
:Pariser Bürgermeisterin: Rechtsextremer Täter
Zwei Tote in Paris: Bürgermeisterin nennt Täter rechtsextrem - ZDFheute
Turkish threats leave Syria Kurds in fear for symbolic city
"The situation in Kobane is bad. People don't sleep at night" out of fear that the city could be "bombed at any moment", said Nabo Jumaa Ramadan.
#Kutdistan #Kobane #kurdishsolidarity
#Kutdistan #kobane #kurdishsolidarity #syria
Iranian soccer player arrested amid World Cup scrutiny
The western Kurdish region of the country, where both Amini and Ghafouri are from, has been the epicenter of the protests.
#Kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran
#kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran
PM Barzani condemns gender-based violence
Wie die Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte mitteilte, wurde die Stadt Asas, die von mit der Türkei verbündeten syrischen Rebellen kontrolliert wird, mit Raketen beschossen. Dabei seien fünf Menschen getötet worden, darunter auch ein Kind
#Kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #erdogan
#kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #erdogan
Die beiden Kurdenorganisationen, die Erdogan als Terroristen bezeichnet, streiten eine Beteiligung ab und unterstellen der Türkei, mit der Anschuldigung einen Vorwand für einen Militäreinsatz in Nordsyrien geschaffen zu haben.
#Lurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran #erdogan
#Lurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran #erdogan
"Sie wenden militärische Gewalt an"
Seit Tagen gehen iranische Einsatzkräfte brutal in den kurdischen Gebieten vor. Für die Politikwissenschaftlerin Dastan Jasim stiftet das Regime gezielt Chaos.
#kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran
Iraqi Prime Minister condemns Turkish and Iranian attacks
“The attacks were launched without taking Iraq’s permission, that’s why we decry these attacks whether carried out by Turkey or Iran,”
#kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #iran #erdogan
Drei Jahre später, nach der Militärintervention vom 27. Mai 1960 stand dann die Regierung Menderes selbst vor Gericht. Die Ankläger des Militärgerichts im Prozess von Yassıada beschuldigten Menderes und seine Regierung, den Pogrom geplant und seinen Ausbruch provoziert zu haben. Neben der Regierung kamen auch der Polizeichef und der Gouverneur von Istanbul erneut unter Anklage
....und jetzt Kurdistan... :(
#Kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #erdogan
#kurdistan #kurdishsolidarity #erdogan