RashaKamel · @RashaKamel
129 followers · 439 posts · Server mstdn.science

"Besides their historical and archaeological importance, kurgans are also important sites for conservation. Originally, shortly after their construction steppe vegetation recovered on them, which could persist even till modern times. Therefore, kurgans that still hold grasslands could preserve a piece of the formerly existing vast steppes and a high biodiversity of steppe plant species".


#integrated #conservation #biodiversity #steppe #archaeology #grassland #kurgans

Last updated 1 year ago

Cluster ROOTS · @clusterroots
173 followers · 205 posts · Server fediscience.org

(DE) Update Aserbaidschan: Wir haben begonnen, die zu untersuchenden Kurgane zu vermessen. Einge davon werden zum ersten Mal erforscht. Wir sind gespannt, was sie über soziale zwischen dem 4. und 1. Jt. v. Chr. aussagen!
(EN)Update : We started to survey the to be examined. Some of these are being explored for the first time. We are curious what they will tell us about social between the 4th and 1st millennium BC! @histodons

#archaeology #inequality #kurgans #azerbaijan #Ungleichheit

Last updated 1 year ago