I have a kind of theory ... The best creatives are not ones who are consistently good, but are ones who create so much that they can't fail to at least create some good stuff.
Examples would be the likes of #BobDylan or #TheBeatles or #DavidBowie or #Prince who wrote loads of song, not all of which are good.
#Writers like (probably) #StephenKing (although I've only read a few of his books but I'm sure there are plenty of stinkers). And other prolific writers.
#FilmDirectors like #Kurosawa
#kurosawa #filmdirectors #stephenking #writers #prince #davidbowie #thebeatles #bobdylan
This week's Player Intrusion comes from @SlamPotato who recommends our listeners watch Ran by Akira Kurosawa!
I'm #NowWatching #AkiraKurosawa's Stray Dog(1949) for the #FirstTime.
#kurosawa #movies #films #cinemastodon #firsttime #AkiraKurosawa #nowwatching
Homenaje a #VanGogh que murió el 29/7/1890 🌻🎨🎬 https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2020/07/homenaje-van-gogh.html Nos acercaremos a su biografía, las cartas que escribió, un homenaje de #Kurosawa y algunas obras musicales sobre el genial pintor
Homenaje a #VanGogh que murió el 29/7/1890 🌻🎨🎬 https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2020/07/homenaje-van-gogh.html Nos acercaremos a su biografía, las cartas que escribió, un homenaje de #Kurosawa y algunas obras musicales sobre él
Homenaje a #VanGogh que murió el 29/7/1890 🌻🎨🎬 https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2020/07/homenaje-van-gogh.html Nos acercaremos a su biografía, las cartas que escribió, un homenaje de #Kurosawa y algunas obras musicales sobre él
Homenaje a #VanGogh que murió el 29/7/1890 🌻🎨🎬 https://letrasprestadas-clubpickwick.blogspot.com/2020/07/homenaje-van-gogh.html Nos acercaremos a su biografía, las cartas que escribió, un homenaje de #Kurosawa y algunas obras musicales sobre él
Considerato ingiustamente tra i film meno riusciti del maestro #Kurosawa, Rapsodia in Agosto è in realtà un grande e tragico memento per i posteri.
Gerade musste ich #Rashomon (1950) in der neuen 4k Version von 2022 auf einem altertümlichen blue-ray Medienträger bestellen, weil das British Film Institut kein Streaming außerhalb von Brexitanien erlaubt. Ja, auch VPN bringt nix, da man eine in UK registrierte Kreditkarte benötigt. Bei Auhändigung des Films muss der Postbote mein Alter überprüfen laut Versandbeschreibung. Total plemplem. #kurosawa
#SevenSamurai Whenever you hear those notes , you know shit is about to go down! #Kurosawa 👌🏻🇯🇵 https://youtu.be/GYMNz2xETKU
#SevenSamurai Whenever you hear those notes , you know shit is about to go down! #Kurosawa 👌🏻🇯🇵
There are a few names in Japanese for a knife like this. The maker of this knife, Hattori Ichiro, calls it a "katana knife" for the American market. I prefer a different name.
In the movie Rashōmon, the dagger wielded by The Wife character is precisely this style, and the word used in the movie is 短刀 (tantō). This is the best word for this dazzling machine.
#kurosawa #Rashomon #steel #knives #tanto #短刀 #hattori
In einem Wald am Rhein haben die Gespinstmotten ganze Bäume eingesponnen und es wirkt wie aus einem düsteren Märchenfilm. Assoziationen an Kurosawas Film "Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald"(Kumonosu-jō) werden wach, allerdings mit Motten als Setdesigner.
#gespinstmotten #rheinwald #huch #motte #rhein #kurosawa #wald #raupe
#gespinstmotten #rheinwald #huch #motte #rhein #kurosawa #wald #Raupe
【HD】 西内まりや 黒沢かずこ しまむら「モデルレッスン」篇 CM(30秒) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1747889/comedian/
#2013-10 #2013-101112 #ad #CM #cmcollection #COLLECTION #japan #japanese #Kazuko #KazukoKurosawa #kurosawa #Mariya #MariyaNishiuchi #Nishiuchi #アカ #がすご #コマーシャル #しまむら #ナパ #まりや #モデルレッスン #西内 #西内まりや #黒沢 #黒沢かずこ
#ad #cm #cmcollection #collection #japan #japanese #kazuko #kazukokurosawa #kurosawa #mariya #mariyanishiuchi #nishiuchi #アカ #がすご #コマーシャル #しまむら #ナパ #まりや #モデルレッスン #西内 #西内まりや #黒沢 #黒沢かずこ
Article passionnant sur #GhostofTsushima sur la représentation du samouraï, pour ce qu'elle est dans les films de #Kurosawa, ce qu'elle est en réalité et la façon dont la figure est utilisée par l'extrême-droite japonaise. Article en anglais.
RT @Polygon
Ghost of Tsushima aimed to pay homage to Kurosawa, but the traditions of samurai can’t be untangled from how Japanese politicians talk about “the code” today https://www.polygon.com/20…
I (re)watched Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" last night and, of course, this is my #currentmood today!!
Kode9 & The Spaceape - Samurai [Memories Of The Future]
#Kode9 #kurosawa #sevensamurai #currentmood
My son had read King Lear for a class he just completed a final for last week, and wanted to watch Kurosawa’s Ran last night. I’d never seen it.
What a brilliantly crafted, epic film. We were marveling over the sets, the framing, the costume design and fabrics, the editorial choices, the sound and music design... Just stunning.
#film #ran #kurosawa #shakespeare
John Sturges | Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Eli Wallach, James Coburn, Horst Buchholz, Robert Vaughn
'Los humildes habitantes de un pueblo mexicano se hallan a merced de una despiadada banda de forajidos. Como ellos no saben defenderse, deciden contratar los servicios de siete pistoleros, siete implacables mercenarios cada uno con una habilidad especial en el manejo de las armas. Sin embargo, estos siete pronto se darán cuenta de que están luchando por algo más que el simple dinero.'
► Ficha: https://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film168098.html
"ꜱᴛᴜʀɢᴇꜱ ʀᴇᴄᴏɢᴇ ʟᴀ ꜱᴇᴍɪʟʟᴀ ᴅᴇ 'ʟᴏꜱ ꜱɪᴇᴛᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴜʀáɪꜱ', ᴅᴇ ᴋᴜʀᴏꜱᴀᴡᴀ, ʏ ᴍᴏɴᴛᴀ ᴜɴ ꜱᴏʙᴇʀʙɪᴏ ʏ ꜱᴏʙʀɪᴏ ᴡᴇꜱᴛᴇʀɴ ᴅᴇ ᴄɪᴛᴀ ᴏʙʟɪɢᴀᴅᴀ"
► ✅ 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮: https://uptobox.com/qcyi10xj8ymq (1,9 Gb - 126 minutos)
#Cine #Western #Aventuras #Remake #Amistad #Valores #Kurosawa
BSO: 'The Magnificent Seven'
The Orchestra at Temple Square
Por 𝑬𝒍𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒊𝒏
#cinedesabado #sabadodecine #cine #western #aventuras #remake #amistad #valores #kurosawa
Going to watch #AkiraKurosawa s #Rashomon tonight at #TheCurzon community picture house in Clevedon. Very excited as it will be my first time seated on the recently reopened balcony. It’s a great old cinema, been in continuous operation for over 100 years (except for covid). #cinemastodon #film #cinema #kurosawa
#kurosawa #cinema #film #cinemastodon #thecurzon #Rashomon #AkiraKurosawa