Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., signs
Ralph Steadman: Red Shark, the Limited Edition https://attemptedbloggery.blogspot.com/2023/08/ralph-steadman-red-shark-limited-edition.html #KurtVonnegutJr
We could have saved it, but we were too darn cheap and lazy.
— Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Fates Worse Than Death
I have difficulty keeping any editions of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. books in stock, but have recently acquired two collections, including these '70s Dells. If you're looking, now's the time to stop in!
7/28/23 Open 6-10p. No open containers please.
#DaytonOhio #BrickAndMortar #UsedBookStore #KurtVonnegut #KurtVonnegutJr @bookstodon
#daytonohio #brickandmortar #usedbookstore #kurtvonnegut #kurtvonnegutjr
You could end up with a national anthem according to #KurtVonnegutJr:
"There were one quadrillion nations in the Universe, but [America] was the only one with a national anthem which was gibberish sprinkled with question marks."
"Not even the President of the United States knew what that was all about. It was as though the country were saying to its citizens, ‘In nonsense is strength.‘"
People and books that helped form who I am today:
#grahamgreene #johnupdike #walkerpercy #kurtvonnegutjr #johnirving #ralphellison #hermannhesse #loreneiseley #jamesbaldwin #johnsteinbeck #raybradbury #frankherbert #roberta #malcomx #kimstanleyrobinson #julianjaynes #sometimesagreatnotion #wendellberry #whatarepeoplefor #edwardabbey #desertsolitaire #tomrussell #carlhiaasen #michaelpollan #botanyofdesire #pattismith #michaelstipe #davidsedaris #cormacmccarthy
#Mattatoion5 o #LaCrociatadeiBambini #DanzaobbligataconlaMorte di #KurtVonnegutJr Ci sono molti modi per raccontare la devastazione fisica e morale che una guerra lascia in chi vi partecipa e sopravvive Vonnegut lo fa strutturando i suoi ricordi (visse in prima persona, durante la #SecondaGuerraMondiale, il bombardamento di #Dresda che nella notte fra il 9 e il 10 marzo 1945 fece quasi il doppio delle vittime di quello... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=1104 #mastolibro #mastolibri #libro #libri #leggere
#mattatoion5 #lacrociatadeibambini #danzaobbligataconlamorte #kurtvonnegutjr #secondaguerramondiale #dresda #mastolibro #mastolibri #libro #libri #leggere
#Books and me:
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail of '72 - #HunterSThompson
Snow Crash - #NealStephenson
I Am Legend - #RichardMatheson
The Baroque Cycle - #NealStephenson
Perdido Street Station - #ChinaMiéville
Under The Banner of Heaven - #JonKrakauer
Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West - #CormacMcCarthy
Slaughterhouse-Five - #KurtVonnegutJr
The Crying of Lot 49 - #ThomasPynchon
If He Hollers Let Him Go - #ChesterHimes
I could go on and on....
#chesterhimes #ThomasPynchon #kurtvonnegutjr #cormacmccarthy #JonKrakauer #chinamieville #richardmatheson #nealstephenson #huntersthompson #Books
#introduction part three-reading. My favorite authors are #kurtvonnegutjr , #tomrobbins #terrypratchett #douglasadams , #isaacasimov #JohnKennedyToole, and #JDSalinger. I don't have as much time to read novels these days other than reading with my kids, so a lot of #yalit like #JKRowling (f-ck #transphobia ), #PhillipPullman, #CSLewis and #JRRTolkien . I also was into the #wheeloftime series. But these days at least %50 of what I read are articles posted on social media
#introduction #kurtvonnegutjr #tomrobbins #terrypratchett #douglasadams #isaacasimov #johnkennedytoole #jdsalinger #yalit #jkrowling #transphobia #phillippullman #CSLewis #JRRTolkien #wheeloftime
Next up for me for #FollowFriday is anyone who reads #kurtvonnegut #kurtvonnegutjr I've yet to meet someone who loves KV who isn't beautiful, in defiance to what this world does to people who care. I love you.
#FollowFriday #kurtvonnegut #kurtvonnegutjr