"Mack the Knife" or "The Ballad of Mack the Knife" (German: "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer") is a song composed by #KurtWeill with lyrics by #BertoltBrecht for their 1928 music drama #TheThreepennyOpera (German: Die Dreigroschenoper). The song tells of a knife-wielding criminal of the London underworld from the musical named #Macheath, the "Mack the Knife" of the title.
#kurtweill #bertoltbrecht #thethreepennyopera #macheath
Musical Interlude: Doing more Kurt Weill today...here's another favorite rendition, by his wife, of one of my favorite Weill tunes, with lyrics by Ogden Nash!
"Speak Low," performed by Lotte Lenya.
#MusicalInterlude #KurtWeill #OgdenNash #SpeakLow #BestLoveSongs
#musicalinterlude #kurtweill #ogdennash #speaklow #bestlovesongs
Musical Interlude: I've been listening to Kurt Weill lately, and I've always had a soft spot for this song. Some don't like this interpretation, but I do.
"September Song," performed by Lou Reed.
#musicalinterlude #loureed #kurtweill
#LotteLenya #KurtWeill #MyRecordCollection #Series #NornCutson #Illustration #Design #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #AVLArt #AVLArtists #AVLArts #RecordCollection #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt
#lottelenya #kurtweill #myrecordcollection #series #NornCutson #illustration #design #illustrator #art #artist #ayearforart #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #mixedmedia #MastoArt #mastocreative #avlart #avlartists #avlarts #recordcollection #BuyIntoArt #springintoart
C'est presqu'au bout du monde...
#youkali #kurtweill #vladimirkorneev
#youkali #kurtweill #vladimirkorneev
Musical Interlude: I posted some Lotte Lenya a few days ago, and it just brought to mind another song by her I love. Here she is with another Kurt Weill song, in a haunting arrangement.
"Speak Low," performed by Lotte Lenya.
#musicalinterlude #kurtweill #lottelenya
Musical Interlude: I decided to post something personally meaningful today...my longest relationship was in my early 30s, with an older man who treated me like a prince. We drifted apart but I remember him fondly. He passed on a few years ago, alas, but I have memories.
Anyway, this was Our Song. Sometimes we'd sing it together, while driving home from some event, when conversation lagged.
"September Song," performed by Lotte Lenya.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Kurt Weill, Lotte Lenya & Roger Bean:
🎵 The Threepenny Opera: Pirate Jenny
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #kurtweill #LotteLenya #rogerbean
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Kurt Weill & Marianne Faithfull:
🎵 Pirate Jenny (Threepenny Opera)
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #kurtweill #mariannefaithfull
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Kurt Weill & Nina Simone:
🎵 Pirate Jenny (Threepenny Opera)
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #kurtweill #ninasimone
Today In Labor History April 3, 1950: Composer Kurt Weill died. Weill’s most famous song was Mack the Knife ("Die Moritat von Mackie Messer"), which became a schlock classic after Bobby Darin’s rendition. However, Weill wrote the song as part of Bertolt Brecht’s “Three Penny Opera,” which was a socialist critique of the capitalist world. Weill was persecuted by the Nazis for his political views and his Jewish heritage. He fled to America, with his wife, singer Lotte Lenya. Some of Weill’s other well-known songs include: Alabama Song (covered by the Doors), Pirate Jenny (covered by Nina Simone), Mack the Knife (covered by Louis Armstrong), Der Kleine des Lieben Gottes (covered by John Zorn).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Nazis #antisemitism #holocaust #KurtWeill #LotteLenya #BertoltBrecht #socialism #communism #NinaSimone #LouisArmstrong
#workingclass #LaborHistory #nazis #antisemitism #holocaust #kurtweill #lottelenya #BertoltBrecht #socialism #communism #ninasimone #LouisArmstrong
Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit
#radio27 #music #BertoltBrecht #KurtWeill #TrudeHesterberg #DreiGroschenOper
#radio27 #music #bertoltbrecht #kurtweill #trudehesterberg #dreigroschenoper
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Kurt Weill, Lotte Lenya & Roger Bean:
🎵 Die Moritat von Mackie Messer (The Threepenny Opera)
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #kurtweill #LotteLenya #rogerbean
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Kurt Weill, Simon Höfele & Frank Dupree:
🎵 Slow Fox and Algi-Song
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #kurtweill #simonhofele #FrankDupree
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Kurt Weill, Simon Höfele & Frank Dupree:
🎵 Berlin im Licht
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #kurtweill #simonhofele #FrankDupree
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3LunchtimeConcert
Kurt Weill, Tine Thing Helseth & Kathryn Stott:
🎵 Youkali
#nowplaying #Radio3LunchtimeConcert #kurtweill #TineThingHelseth #KathrynStott
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Kurt Weill, Gordon Bintner & Kirill Gerstein:
🎵 Das Lied von der Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Strebens (Threepenny Opera)
#KurtWeill #GordonBintner #KirillGerstein
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#nowplaying #intune #kurtweill #gordonbintner #KirillGerstein
One of my heroes, #BertoltBrecht, seated outside the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, where the #ThreePennyOpera was first performed in 1928, later bcoming the post-war home of Brecht's #BerlinerEnsemble. I took the photos in 2019.
#bertoltbrecht #ThreePennyOpera #berlinerensemble #photography #kurtweill #berlin #theatre
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Kurt Weill, Lotte Lenya, Choir & Orchestra:
🎵 Alabama Song (Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #kurtweill #LotteLenya #choir #orchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Winds of the Flemish Radio Orchestra, Kurt Weill & Jan Latham-Koenig:
🎵 Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (excerpts)
#WindsoftheFlemishRadioOrchestra #KurtWeill #JanLathamKoenig
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #windsoftheflemishradioorchestra #kurtweill #janlathamkoenig