El #anime de #KusuriyanoHitorigoto (alias #TheApothecaryDiaries) no solo tiene fecha de estreno sino que se reveló cuánto durará :3. https://tinyurl.com/3kx3rf7n
#anime #kusuriyanohitorigoto #theapothecarydiaries
El #anime de #KusuriyanoHitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) tiene un nuevo tráiler que revela su mes de estreno y un personaje en especial :3. https://tinyurl.com/y28awaps
薬屋のひとりごと」Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (Eng. title: "The Apothecary Diaries"), by Natsu Hyūga, is being adapted to a television #anime for broadcast later this year, starring Aoi Yuki as 猫猫 Maomao and Takahiro Sakurai as 壬氏 Jinshi. I don't think I've more looked forward to an adaptation. The #lightnovel series has uncommon depth for the genre (the #manga is good, too), and I think it really deserves a big-budget live action trilogy, at least. #KusuriyaNoHitorigoto #薬屋のひとりごと #アニメ #漫画
#anime #lightnovel #manga #kusuriyanohitorigoto #薬屋のひとりごと #アニメ #漫画
Por fin se confirma el #anime de #KusuriyanoHitorigoto, el cual saldrá este mismo año y de manos del estudio de #Pokemon y #Komi san :3. https://bit.ly/3E9matK
#anime #kusuriyanohitorigoto #pokemon #komi
#KusuriyaNoHitorigoto is getting an #anime adaptation! The trailer looks really good. I'll have to catch up with the #manga and maybe read the original novel series, too.
#kusuriyanohitorigoto #anime #manga
I usually avoid #manga which are adapted from a Light Novel, especially if I don’t have an easy way to read the source material first, but #TheApothecaryDiaries just has stunning art, it’s super beautiful.
I still want to read the novel but I’m sure it would not stop me from also enjoying the manga.
#manga #theapothecarydiaries #kusuriyanohitorigoto