well that’s… interesting. thing is, I got no notification about most of the follow requests. so I haven’t a clue how long they’d been waiting.
I’m quite capable of curating my own stream and don’t need “double secret” help.
audiences and their applause are like heroin. I am a junkie. this town is making me jones something fierce.
due to circumstances, the last open mike I attended was last Saturday and the next one is a week from next Sunday.
there’s another one I’ve wanted to attend, but you have to sign up on their Facebook page. that’s so out of touch they might as well require you to have a Myspace account.
who’s in charge of their web presence? they should be replaced.
E492: Not an editor command: qw
WHY NOT? I mean, dude, just cut me a break for once. I have work to do. The keys are right next to each other (at least on QWERTY). #kvetch ;)
Had to use Win11 and MS Excel for a few minutes today on a colleague's laptop.
Oh my. UI and UX has gotten *SO* bad. It was just painful and clumsy to use.
I thought Win2k and Office 2003 were infinitely better.
Does nobody use an actual MOUSE anymore? It's such a pain to use modern scroll bars, and there's no way to scroll through an enormous spreadsheet with the mouse wheel. My laptop has a pretty great trackpad -- large, glass, and responsive. I still prefer a mouse.
▶️ My first unfollow on the fedi. Professional malcontents piss me off. Don't want to know them.
This morning, I read everything this person wrote in in the past two weeks—grievance after (often petty) grievance, and the writer offered (flimsy, impractical) "solutions" for just two of those complaints.
Don't like it when my dog Jack whines, or my great-niece (she's 5). I don't want read a whiny adult human who's made a career out of being a #kvetch to an audience of probably also-whiners.
#kvetch: my flight is so late that we are starting to board after the published flight time, but since the airline hasn't actually sent an updated departure time to the app, said app is no longer showing the boarding pass (because we must have taken off).
#kvell: I saved the boarding pass to Google Wallet so I still had the QR code and walked right on board. (I could equivalently have taken a screenshot but now that I know this feature is here, it's easier.)
Pretty rough night. Been awake since 02:30.
The driver of my morning train is constantly switching between sudden acceleration/braking, so all of the passengers are swaying and stumbling back/forth.
I’m going to my office to teach one face-to-face class. The rest are online. Seems suboptimal.
I just left a sign-off message on Twitter, as my account will likely be suspended at some point. Grieving.
#kvetch #complaining #cantsleep #riptwitter #commutertrain
I deleted my Twitter account today. I _wanted_ to stay so to read stuff from my congress-critters & other helpful organizations, but I couldn't.
I implore U.S. folks to contact their reps asking them abandon billionaire-controlled media for other venues of communication.
I'm not smart enough to advocate the exact solutions, but I find the notion of exclusively reserving 'mastodon.senate' and 'mastodon.ushouse' for this purpose appealing.
#twittermigration #deletetwitter #kvetch #mastodon