Today is just a bad delivery day. Our dinner delivery was all sorts of wrong, the mail carrier left all our mail in the exterior rack meant for newspapers and magazines so it fell all over the porch, and a FedEx delivery that was put on a truck 20 minutes away at 4:51 AM isn’t here and it’s no longer marked “out for delivery” but “pending” with an alert advising “no scheduled delivery date available at this time.”
Did someone hang a “kick me” sign on our house? #kvetching
Please forgive a bit of #kvetching.
I was laid off, so I'm entitled to a refund of part of my kids' school tuition via insurance bought through the school.
The insurance co. required a form signed by my former employer attesting to the circumstances of my unemployment. I got it.
They just told me I have to get the same form filled out a second time because I only put one of my kids' names on it, an understandable "error" since it says "child's name," not "children's names".
This is absurd. 1/2
CW food
I apparently can't make London broil with flames. Last time I set the parchment paper on fire. This time the flames were from the meat. Look, I like writing about sexy firemen, I don't want my dumbass having to call over a kitchen fire. #kvetching
Does anyone else get distracted by the amount of tea they are drinking while writing? I probably shouldn't have drank 7 cups of Earl Grey. Oops. #kvetching #writingproblems
On the first day of Hanukkah the universe gave me two positive Covid tests. I'm immune compromised but got a booster and a flu shot at the end of October or early November.
Luckily Dad tested negative. Mom will tests after the get more tests but she's not having symptoms. #kvetching
On the first day of Hanukkah the universe gave me two positive Covid tests. I'm immune compromised but got a booster and a flu shot at the end of October or early November.
Luckily Dad tested negative. Mom will tests after the get more tests but she's not having symptoms. #kvetching
And I think I woke up with a cold. Took some meds and made tea. No fever and my sense of taste is fine. New flavor tea I tried is pretty good. #kvetching
Fuck. So much for trying to get through Hanukkah without a fight. The pink editions were quietly added by J this morning without saying anything. Not gonna lie Mom & I are upset at the open mic events after the video showed indoor space & no masks! #kvetching
Dammit. This'll be another night of drinking and listening to the usual #self-loathing #kvetching from #JohnMastodonJr.
#johnmastodonjr #kvetching #self
Hair is such a terrible thing. It clogs the drains and tangles in the vacuum cleaner rollers and stray strands tickle me when they're dry until I want to scream, and stick to my fingers when they're wet and refuse to let go and just everything about hair absolutely sucks. I have CLOTHES; I don't need the insulation, and for those of you who are going to argue fashion and appearance, I hear you, but Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, so can we please just evolve into lizards now?
I need TARDIS tech in my purse. And don't be silly thinking could just bring less. Doing a movie tv/marathon with B today. Bringing shrinky dink supplies too of course. #kvetching
I think my dog scared 10 years off my life. Without me noticing right away he found some leftover Halloween candy in my purse. At most he at 4 1/2 of them. They aren't solid chocolate so I'm not panicking. My dog is 70+lbs. Still really don't need to go to the doggie ER tonight. He's now trying to be cute to beg my dinner. #kvetching
If you offer to do something helpful/nice for me but bring it up during a fight as a huge ask of you then I'm likely never accept or ask from help of you again. Is that really that weird? #kvetching
And I can breath again. It looks like after blood work, X-ray and ultrasound that it is one heck of a leg cramp that started at midnight last night. But if the pain is there in 7 days he will have to go back on the slim chance it is a tiny blood clot they cant see. #kvetching
FUCK! Mom just called. Dad's in a Tucson ER right now with something wrong with his leg, possibly a blood clot. Mom is sitting outside the ER trying not too panic. I think I'll take a break from cop shows for a bit now, since all police stuff makes me think of Dad. #kvetching
Dishes saga day ???: He didn't work on them anymore last night. It is just 10am, he already has taken the car and left without working on any. For now I'm still going to use my energy for cleaning and decorating other parts of the house. A few weeks ago basically the same thing was happening. Tupperware container got really gross because of the wait. He wanted to just toss it. I said that would be okay if he replaced it before my folks got back. Another day he did finally wash it. #kvetching
Alright my parents are now hoping to get a flight home by 14th (my birthday is the 15th) or 17th (Hannukah starts on the 18th). Dad will likely have developed a life long hatred for cactus from what he's already said. Poor guy. Misses his dog too. Video only helped so much. #kvetching
Grief is weird. I'm sitting here emotional over the fact my grandparents kept a speech I gave in college while Shakira's Hips Don't Lie plays. That was close to the final breaking point in our relationship. #kvetching