Illinois’ #AG #KwameRaoul has ended a 5-year investigation into #SexualAbuse of #children by #Catholic clergy in the state, revealing the problem was far worse than the #Church acknowledged in 2018, finding that more than 450 Catholic clergy in #Illinois had sexually abused nearly 2,000 children since 1950. The findings are unlikely to lead to criminal charges.
#ag #kwameraoul #sexualabuse #children #catholic #church #illinois
#Illinois Attorney General #KwameRaoul tweets:
My office and 17 state AGs acted to preserve access to medication abortion. Notwithstanding a legally-unsound decision by a single judge in TX, access is protected in IL:
#illinois #kwameraoul #abortion
Pana man arrested on child pornography charges
PANA -- A Pana man was arrested Thursday and charged with possession of child pornography, as part of a statewide effort from Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to apprehend traffickers of lewd images online.
Billy J. Hulfachor, 36, of Pana, was charged with
#EastCentralIllinoisRegion #Illinois #Local #BillyJ.Hulfachor #illinoisnews #KwameRaoul
#eastcentralillinoisregion #illinois #local #billyj #illinoisnews #kwameraoul
Illinois election board certifies 2022 results
Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza is pictured at a D
#Decision2022 #Illinois #Politics #AlexiGiannoulias #DanBrady #DarrenBailey #illinoisnews #illinoispoliticalnews #illinoispolitics #IllinoisStateBoardofElections #JBPritzker #JesseWhite #KathySalvi #KwameRaoul #MichaelFrerichs #ShannonTeresi #SusanaMendoza #TammyDuckworth #ThomasDeVore #TomDemmer
#decision2022 #illinois #politics #alexigiannoulias #danbrady #DarrenBailey #illinoisnews #illinoispoliticalnews #illinoispolitics #illinoisstateboardofelections #jbpritzker #jessewhite #kathysalvi #kwameraoul #michaelfrerichs #shannonteresi #susanamendoza #tammyduckworth #thomasdevore #tomdemmer