Hätte ich als Jugendlicher bereits #vcvRack gehabt, wäre mein Leben vermutlich deutlich anders verlaufen.
Aber wir hatten doch nichts. Es wäre verwegen gewesen, sich zum Geburtstag einen #ModularSynthesizer zu wünschen, wäre auch für die Eltern nicht in Reichweite gewesen… aber hey… immerhin hatte ich Papas #Roland #Juno106 (und habe ihn heute noch). Ich pflege ihn wie andere ihr altes Oldtimer-Auto.
Damals hätte ich allerdings weniger gefragt und mehr gemacht. Und das wäre gut so gewesen. Witzig allerdings, dass junge Menschen heute vermeintlich vor allem die Bildschirme in ihren Handflächen streicheln, wo doch dank Freeware und Open Source gigantomanische kreative Möglichkeiten just around the Corner wären.
Vielleicht ist am Anfang einjeder Sehnsucht doch vor allem die Idee.
#synthesizer #modular #virtual #rack2 #rack #vcv #linux #kubuntu #kxstudio
#kxstudio #kubuntu #linux #vcv #rack #rack2 #virtual #modular #synthesizer #juno106 #roland #modularsynthesizer #vcvrack
@jz j'adore ton accent anglais même à l'écrit. Merci pour ce rappel de la montée en puissance du traitement du son sous linux. Gros merci @LibraZiK https://linuxmao.org ou encore #kxstudio
KXStudio Carla v2.5.4 VST VST3 AU SAL LV2 x86 x64 Windows macOS [FREE]
Carla is a fully-featured modular audio plugin host, wit
#ALSA #AU #audiodriver #Client #driver #free #freedownload #Host #Jack #KXStudio #LADSPA #Linux #LV2 #MacOS #MIDI #Modular #Mono #Multi #Network #old #OSC #other #sf2 #sfz #Simple #Standalone #Stereo #Time #tool #VST #VST3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#alsa #au #audiodriver #client #driver #free #freedownload #host #jack #kxstudio #ladspa #linux #lv2 #macOS #midi #modular #mono #multi #network #old #osc #other #sf2 #sfz #simple #standalone #stereo #time #tool #vst #vst3 #windows #x64 #x86
#SelbstFürsorge heißt auch, die Dinge zu tun, die man gerne macht, auf die man neugierig ist.
Meinen engagierten Teil mit Textinhalten, lasse ich jetzt hier bei @nrw.social.
#Bilder kommen zu @mastodon.art.
#Musik lasse ich bei @open.audio, also #funkwhale.
Bin schon gespannt, wie man das später dann alles schön bündeln kann.
Und irgendwie bin auch froh, Pinguindompteur zu sein ( #UbuntuStudio #KXStudio ) und mich schon länger mit IT zu beschäftigen.
#selbstfursorge #bilder #musik #funkwhale #ubuntustudio #kxstudio
@kawaiipunk True. Just learned about #KXStudio a minute ago while I was looking what the #Swami project (http://www.swamiproject.org/) is doing currently.
#Carla (https://kx.studio/Applications:Carla) seems quite impressive.
There's a convolution Reverb plug-in in the #kxstudio repos but it doesn't come with any IRs.
Does anyone know where I can get some good IRs?
#kxstudio #linuxaudio #musicprodution
Il est vrai que ça date un peu mais voici de la réclame pour mon 1er album réalisé avec des logiciels libres https://thiscow.fr/2020/04/14/bao-bao-1st-album/ #linuxmao #linuxaudio #music #creativecommons #librazik #kxstudio #ardour
#ardour #kxstudio #librazik #creativecommons #music #linuxaudio #linuxmao
Hello Linux Music Makers :D
falkTX is one of the best active developer making the KXStudio tools and more, he recently stared a patreon page.
Consider becoming a patreon, I think its important to know about him and support him if we like to see more development on Linux.
#kxstudio #linuxmusicans #linuxmao
@manu_smx@miaou.drycat.fr @unfa
Hi! A project for try to push free softwares in live shows! It's a beginin but maybe it can work!
#ardour #kxstudio #qlc++ #linuxshowplayer #lsp #jack #jackaudio #freesoftware #venues #music #theater
#theater #music #venues #freesoftware #jackaudio #jack #lsp #linuxshowplayer #qlc #kxstudio #ardour
我在開源系統上作了一首新作品。 I composed a new original music. I composed it totally by opensource software on #kxstudio #GNU / #linux . #np on #SoundCloud #linux
#kxstudio #gnu #linux #np #soundcloud
🎨 maybe you create art, photography, design, using software like #krita #gimp #ardour #blender, #darktable, #mypaint #inkscape
🎼 ...and music using #ardour #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata or distros like #ubuntustudio
📝 ...or when writing stories your tools to go are #plume #libreoffice or #zim
📽 Maybe you make films and animation with #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig
🎮 ...or make games with #godot or #twine
🛠 You might be using tools like #robocut #openCAD #processing or #arduino to create your art or design of any form
🎪 or simply creating art using traditional mediums, doing work in performance art, circus arts or theatre, using any of the above or others to create or document your work.
are you an artist or creative in the most generic sense of the word, and use #FOSS / #FLOSS / #OpenSource software as part of your workflow?
consider tagging your works with
🐧 #artWithOpenSource tag and check out the tag for works by your fellow mastodon artists who also prefer Open Sourced alternatives.
(sibling tags of interest: #linuxartists #flossart #libreMonday and #creativeCommons )
#krita #gimp #ardour #blender #darktable #mypaint #inkscape #lmms #kxstudio #hydrogen #puredata #ubuntustudio #plume #libreoffice #zim #kdenlive #pitivi #synfig #godot #twine #robocut #opencad #processing #arduino #foss #floss #opensource #artwithopensource #linuxartists #flossart #libremonday #CreativeCommons #MastoArt #photography #CreativeToots #gamedev #art
I see that late but :
I'm sound tech (and a little bit interactive soundscapes creator) and i use a lot #Ardour, #jackaudio #non-daw and the #kxstudio suite.
I work on a #debianSID
Look my postes for more ;)
#debiansid #kxstudio #non #jackaudio #ardour