About f**king time someone challenged this cruel, uninformed, literally deadly law.
Thank heavens the @ACLUofKY has the back of the trans community including trans kids.
The KY GOP surely doesn’t.
They are architects of death.
Full stop.
RT @oliviakrauth
BREAKING: @ACLUofKY has sued to block Kentucky's ban on gender-affirming care for trans kids. #KYGA23
Meanwhile, here in KY
RT @joesonka
By my calculations, SB 47 (medical marijuana) and HB 551 (sports betting) received final passage in the House and Senate within 12 minutes of each other tonight, after years and years and years of failed attempts in the Kentucky General Assembly. #kyga23
RT @joesonka
Here we go. The Kentucky House is back and expected to quickly take up the veto override of SB 150, which would make it law. Background on the sweeping anti-trans bill that bans all gender-affirming care for youths here: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/29/sb-150-kentucky-senate-overrides-beshear-veto-of-anti-trans-bill/70051987007/ #kyga23
Nothing but hate. No clean water. No better roads. No help for the poor or the suffering. Just hate. @KyGOP @GOP #KYGA23
RT @oliviakrauth
🚨 The Kentucky Senate has voted to override Gov. Andy Beshear's veto of Senate Bill 150 - 29-8.
The House needs to vote now, and if they get a majority, SB 150 will become law. #KYGA23
KY Republicans are expected to override Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear's veto of the nation's nastiest anti-trans legislation in the next 36 hours.
It will absolutely harm trans kids in the state if overridden.
RT @oliviakrauth
Good morning from Frankfort! It is Day 29/30 of #KYGA23.
There is a large crowd outside the Capitol Annex protesting anti-trans legislation. This might be the largest crowd I’ve seen so far this session.
Again, I wish we had bold, proactive leadership like this in JCPS. At least we have someone at the state level telling it like it is and calling out bigotry and hatred so clearly. The Kentucky GOP is a clear and present danger to our kids and their education.
RT @oliviakrauth
.@KyDeptofEd Commissioner Jason Glass speaks against #SB150 👇🏻
RT @joesonka
SB 150 banning gender-affirming care for transgender children in Kentucky (including puberty blockers) passes Senate by a 30-7 vote. Carroll was the only Republican senator to vote against it. Passage is final, the bill will now head to the desk of Gov. Andy Beshear. #kyga23
This is NOT how government is supposed to work, and the Courts will have something to say about it.
RT @oliviakrauth
To recap:
After GOP discord threatened HB 470, lawmakers resurrected SB 150, gave six minutes notice for a sudden hearing, RUSHED through a hearing on something NOT publicly available, and now can pass it like ... now.
Zero transparency. #KYGA23
RT @joesonka
NEW: The Kentucky Senate abruptly slammed the breaks on a tweaked bill targeting gender-affirming care for kids in a surprise vote tonight, just one day before key veto period https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/15/kentucky-house-bill-470-senate-pauses-tweaked-anti-trans-bill/70012942007/ via @courierjournal #kyga23
KYGA coming closer to the end for the year, but it's the veto period that will truly matter.
RT @joesonka
Day 27/30 of #kyga23 is underway of Frankfort. In about 10 minutes Senate L&O will take up HB 551 to legalize, regulate and tax sports betting in Kentucky.
The true Madness in March is in Frankfort. Not shown: Guns v. Your Children; Social Welfare v. Your Children; Poverty v. Your Children, etc. Spoiler: Your Children are going to lose. #kyga23 @KYGOP
There‘s a reason #TheCrownAct #SB63 never really makes it to the floor of the #KyGA #KYga23 and it’s not hard to guess. So much hard work by so many young people who are asking for something so simple, and right. I remember the beginning, at least here, and of course after I started paying attention, which I‘m sure was late. The most basic plea from the most sincere and hardworking young people who have carried this message to Frankfort and beyond. It‘s time.
#thecrownact #sb63 #kyga #kyga23
KY Republicans need to protect kids from skill games and gender-affirming care while flooded EKY is still trying to get flooding help, and another 2-3 inches of rain today falling.
RT @joesonka
OK here we go, HB 594 to ban gray/skill games in Kentucky is now on the House floor. Background: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/02/house-bill-594-ban-on-gray-machines-in-kentucky-clears-committee/69903513007/ #kyga23
RT @MurphyCartoons
The cruel @KYGOP @GOP of #kyga23 put a target on the back of some of the already-most-vulnerable children of our state, in exchange for their own political futures. 40 of the 80 GOP reps are “preachers”. What they‘re preaching is obvious, and it isn’t love. #HB470
The cruel @KYGOP @GOP of #kyga23 put a target on the back of some of the already-most-vulnerable children of our state, in exchange for their own political futures. 40 of the 80 GOP reps are “preachers”. What they‘re preaching is obvious, and it isn’t love. #HB470 Rest assured, they‘ll come for you next.
RT @joesonka
HB 470 passes Kentucky House. Diets, Moser and Banta the only Republicans voting no. Timoney (and Tackett Laferty) did not cast a vote. #kyga23
As I've said many times during this and previous KY GA sessions, even if Gov. Beshear vetoes this, it will almost certainly be overridden later this spring.
RT @oliviakrauth
HB 470 vote is all but final. 75-22.
(Don’t blame me for the position of my chair on the floor.) #KYGA23
#BlueCollarWriter Labor News Update 02/24/2023
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#BlueCollarWriter Labor News Update
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