Might as well share this over here since Twitter is dead. #kygov
Kentucky is about to go viral in a bad way again
RT @_AustinHorn
GOP #kygov candidate Eric Deters tells me he’s aiming to file the residency challenge lawsuit against Kelly Craft on Monday — same day he’ll appear on KET alongside Craft & the other top GOP candidates.
His initial claims had some factual issues.
Ah, yes … the CRT dog whistle.
Someone should ask her what CRT stands for… does she even know?
RT @oliviakrauth
Craft’s campaign confirms she was talking about dismantling KDE *and* KBE. #kygov
Ah, yes … the CRT dog whistle.
Someone should ask her what CRT stands for… does she even know?
RT @oliviakrauth
Craft’s campaign confirms she was talking about dismantling KDE *and* KBE. #kygov
If Kally Craft becomes Governor of KY, this state will have no public education at all.
RT @oliviakrauth
Another update: In a statement, Craft called the Kentucky Board of Education and Department of Education a "mess" and accused both of being "woke." #kygov
With any luck Beshear will end Cameron's career.
RT @maryfrancesmcg@twitter.com
A poll from Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy found Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R) leading the GOP primary field, but Gov. Andy Beshear (D) leading in hypothetical general election match ups. #KYGov
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maryfrancesmcg/status/1618644861133160450
Well now, things are about to get interesting
RT @joesonka
FOLKS #kygov
ooooooh boy
RT @joesonka
We have a big announcement coming about a candidate that you've heard of from past Kentucky governor races that is filing for governor tomorrow at 2pm... #kygov
11 Republicans now in the KY Governor GOP primary fight against AG David Cameron.
RT @joesonka
NEW: Somerset Mayor Alan Keck jumps into Kentucky governor's race https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2022/11/21/somerset-mayor-alan-keck-jumps-into-governors-race/69668212007/ via @courierjournal #kygov
Butthurt Bevin, Trump Bootlicker & Republican incumbent, concedes Kentucky gubernatorial race to Democrat Andy Beshear... nine days after election.
#DumpTrump #GOPTaxScam #KYGov https://on.mktw.net/2NKktsG