Chris Biderman: “Can’t see Kings paying Draymond $100 million.” #957TheGame #957thegame #BayArea #BayAreaSports #bayareasports #BrockPurdy #ChrisBiderman #DraymondGreen #Kings #KirkCousins #KlayThompson #KyleShanahan #NBA #NFL #PacificDivision #Sacramento #SacramentoKings #SamDarnold #SanFrancisco #SanFranciscoBayArea #SanFranciscoSports #sanfranciscobayarea #sanfranciscosports #Sports #Steiny&Guru #STEPHENCURRY #TreyLance #WesternConference
#957thegame #bayarea #bayareasports #brockpurdy #chrisbiderman #draymondgreen #kings #kirkcousins #klaythompson #kyleshanahan #nba #nfl #pacificdivision #sacramento #sacramentokings #samdarnold #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobayarea #sanfranciscosports #sports #steiny #stephencurry #treylance #westernconference
Trotz Verletzungspech gehören die #SanFrancisco #49ers zu den besten Teams in der #NFL. Schuld hat das Trainergenie #KyleShanahan.
#sanfrancisco #49ers #nfl #kyleshanahan #jwsport
Happy Birthday to #Kyleshanahan . Kyle got an early birthday gift with Brock Purdy. Kyle was originally looking for Kirk, then he gave 3 first round picks for Trey hoping for the next #Joshallen. Instead he lucked into next #Tombrady with the last pick of 2022 draft
#kyleshanahan #JoshAllen #TomBrady