Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kari Lake and Marjorie Taylor Greene Are Reportedly in a Desperate 'Death Race' to Be Trump's VP #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #marjorietaylorgreene #sarahhuckabeesanders #thetrumporganization #kyrstensinema #nelsonmandela #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #krisinoem #karilake #marge #jesus
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #marjorietaylorgreene #sarahhuckabeesanders #thetrumporganization #kyrstensinema #nelsonmandela #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #krisinoem #karilake #marge #jesus
#KyrstenSinema has blood on her hands from undermining abortion rights.
First, she confirmed anti-choice Trump judges.
When Trump’s SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, #SenatorSinema sided with Republicans instead of restoring abortion rights.
And Sinema says that the Pentagon and Biden should give in to Senator Tuberville’s demands to ban abortion in the military. #ReplaceSinema
#replacesinema #senatorsinema #kyrstensinema
#kyrstensinema serves billionaires by trying to squash unions and make working-poor class permanent.
Sinema stands proud and wealthier for defending Trump's GOP Tax Cuts for the richest which Dems wanted to rescind. #KyrstenSinema stands strong for hedgefund managers' tax loopholes. It hasn't been only filibusters that gave her the huge coffers to try to purchase her own reelection.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kyrsten Sinema Says Biden Should Find 'Middle Ground' With Tommy Tuberville on Abortion Stand-Off #Jezebel #femalemembersoftheunitedstateshouseofrepresentatives #centrismintheunitedstates #replacesinemaproject #therandcorporation #tommytuberville #democraticparty #mitchmcconnell #kyrstensinema #sabrinasingh #johnmccain #joebiden #politics #nbc
#jezebel #femalemembersoftheunitedstateshouseofrepresentatives #centrismintheunitedstates #replacesinemaproject #therandcorporation #tommytuberville #democraticparty #mitchmcconnell #kyrstensinema #sabrinasingh #johnmccain #joebiden #politics #nbc
#SenatorSinema has failed Dreamers. As with dozens of bills passed by the House 2019-2020, Sinema prevented even debate in the Senate on #DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program). #KyrstenSinema failed her 2018 voters who have wanted Dreamers to have path to U.S. #citizenship. #Immigration #Arizona
#Arizona #immigration #citizenship #kyrstensinema #DACA #senatorsinema
@TucsonSentinel #SenatorSinema has failed Dreamers. As with dozens of bills passed by the House 2019-2020, Sinema prevented even debate in the Senate on #DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program). #KyrstenSinema failed her 2018 voters who have wanted Dreamers to have paths to #citizenship. #Immigration #Arizona
#kyrstensinema #Arizona #immigration #citizenship #DACA #senatorsinema
@barb Arizona's senators cannot abide by strong workers rights, therefore they block nominations that their GOP donors don't like. But they'll send BS letter in reply to your ask for confirmation of good people in Dept of Labor. #KyrstenSinema #MarkKelly
@kbsez #KyrstenSinema is a trickle-down-economy Anti-worker lawmaker. Also, from Max Burns, NBC Dec. 9, 2022 "as debate over passage of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act reached a crescendo in 2022, Sinema voted against a temporary change to the Senate’s filibuster rules that was essential to the act’s passage. Republicans were then able to block the measure. Sinema’s decision was a slap in the face to Arizonans."
@JRBuckley Fun Facts: #kyrstensinema avoids or sneeringly ridicules journalists.
#RubenGallego shepherded journalists in Capitol to safety on Jan. 6, and he respects their role in democracy.
#Arizona #Senate2024
#senate2024 #Arizona #RubenGallego #kyrstensinema
Arizonans can always expect #kyrstensinema to put corporate cash Above Americans, and it's a sure bet the one-term senator will try to belittle anyone who asks her a legit question. Thanks to #BrahmResnik for getting a rare public moment w her to expose her happy dishonesty again. #NBCnews #12news #Phoenix # AirlineSafety #Sullenberger
#Sullenberger #phoenix #12news #nbcnews #brahmresnik #kyrstensinema
Never forget Sen Sinema's GOPfilibuster bond that endangers girls and women nationally indefinitely. Just like w VotingRightsProtections, #kyrstensinema let #WomensHealthProtectionAct die. #AbortionIsHealthcare #Arizona
#Arizona #abortionishealthcare #WomensHealthProtectionAct #kyrstensinema
Seems a little odd...
#KyrstenSinema #TulsiGabbard
Kyrsten Sinema Is Still Paying Tulsi Gabbard's Sister a Fortune for Security
"#Democratic" Sen #JoeManchin said he believed that having a #ThirdParty candidate run in the #2024election for US Pres would "threaten" the 2 major political parties into tacking towards more #moderate.
I wrote a #editorial / #opinion piece on #Manchin, the #ElectoralCollege & more
#JoeBiden #KyrstenSinema #PresidentialElection #TwoPartySystem #RossPerot #politics #Democrats #Republicans #elections #DonaldTrump #RightWing #MAGA #NationalPopularVote #NPVIC
#npvic #nationalpopularvote #maga #rightwing #donaldtrump #elections #republicans #democrats #politics #rossperot #twopartysystem #presidentialelection #kyrstensinema #joebiden #electoralcollege #manchin #opinion #editorial #moderate #2024election #thirdparty #joemanchin #democratic #news
#kyrstensinema is precious to CEOs & anyone who wants to keep Trump tax cuts for the richest, & deregulation for polluting at will. But exhorbitant amt she's spent on security reported in Feb. seems odd when the voters she's aimed to silence aren't violent gun packers. Gen'l insulation from her buzzword "everyday Americans" has been her priority. Who wasn't demoralized or hasn't seen her demean non-lobbyists trying to talk with her. As Grant Woods said, Sinema is Unfit to serve. #Arizona
Is #kyrstensinema mystified by her unpopularity? This column didn't even mention the forever blood on her hands as chaos agent to VotingRightsProtections or Abortion across country! She "earned" her #PayForPlay from ChamberOfCarbon, #HarlanCrow etc.
#harlancrow #payforplay #kyrstensinema
Dumb how this says that Sinema "generally votes with Democrats". #kyrstensinema had pact w GOP 2021-2022 to block all Dem bills sent from House, #JimCrowSinema helped stop debate, not just stopping votes from happening in Senate. She did vote Yes for many Anti-Choice Trump nominees. Don't get me started. #Arizona
#Arizona #jimcrowsinema #kyrstensinema
#kyrstensinema known for her Britney Spears garb👎🏻federal min wage after tapping Sen. McConnell in her so-called bipartisan pride. Also known for her sipping pose to show her F*ckYou ring aimed at her 2018 voter base. Her pride is double fold: shielding the most wealthy from fair taxes, and knee-capping Dem legislative platform while also serving Exxon by slashing BuildBackBetter in half cz Why shd she care really abt Climate. Sinema helped kill VotingRightsProtections and Roe codification.
The Onion: Politicians Explain Why They Refuse To Expand The Supreme Court #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #centrismintheunitedstates #kirstengillibrand #clarencethomas #raphaelwarnock #kyrstensinema #chuckgrassley #reginaromero #chuckschumer #billhagerty #nancypelosi #donaldtrump #corybooker #mittromney #joemanchin #adamschiff #markkelly #jimjordan #joebiden #roevwade #politics #timkaine #tedcruz #tommy
#supremecourtoftheunitedstates #centrismintheunitedstates #kirstengillibrand #clarencethomas #raphaelwarnock #kyrstensinema #chuckgrassley #reginaromero #chuckschumer #billhagerty #nancypelosi #donaldtrump #corybooker #mittromney #joemanchin #adamschiff #markkelly #jimjordan #joebiden #roevwade #politics #timkaine #tedcruz #tommy
The one-term Senate legacy of #kyrstensinema includes her bond w GOP Filibuster to kill: VotingRightsProtections, workers rights, womens rights, LGBTQ rights, she halved Dems platform and defended/protected Trump's #TaxScam for her own private gain.
Call her #LoopholeLady Not independent. #Arizona
#Arizona #loopholelady #taxscam #kyrstensinema