I just have to make all the UIs before I can actually do anything smh #laGUI
No this is not blender 😆
Now the driver evaluator could either use node based logic or lua script :D Refactored the driver so they stay under objects for now. #laGUI
Ok refactored action system will verify property parents and have proper holder references for paginated saving/reading.
Still no proper quat interpolation for rotation but all the infrastructures can be considered working hummm
Haven't quite thought clear of how the animation data should be handled with the current saving mechanism in current #laGUI ...
Ok I got animation Replace/Add mixing working for multiple actions :)
And I hate coding this stupid timeline widget
I have an rough idea of implementing flow control in my DAG node setup... Basically condition branch masking, of course this has limited amount of branching, but I guess it's enough for my basic building blocks need... If more complex then I'll use lua. #laGUI
Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
Animation is evaluated in a frame-less fashion :D Very good for interactive usages.
The redesigned lo-fi animation recording system in #LaGUI engine I guess?
Now I need to write that blank key frame sheet custom canvas UI... Any custom ui taks a ton of time :( but I'll find time to do that next week.
It still take a lot of time to make properties... But I made the basic structures of the redesigned lo-fi timeline-less animation system in #LaGUI
The lo-fi modeller in #laGUI now supports vertex merging! :D
(I think the logic is correct, judging from topology printing...)
My modelling program gets some improvements, including a working "select through" display. #laGUI
Idk what I'm doing but here's my lo-fi mesh modeller with knife/loop cut and band/ring selection working lol
I spent some time on the dynamic floor grid as well.
Still part of #laGUI
Better theme layout (margin/pading) and row size management in #LaGUI now pushed :D