#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #orioles #os #baltimoreorioles #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - September 05th 2023
ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER FADE WINNER as jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd kingmoments3220 both #vitched and #langed Baltimore -1.5 and lost 75 fake dimes🙌
The loser lang record in this thread now sinks to:
109 - 139 = -4997 fake dimes😆
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #orioles #os #baltimoreorioles #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - September 05th 2023
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 05th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 16th 2023
LET ANOTHER LOSING STREAK BEGIN for #jtroller aka #brandonlang and #vitterd aka #kingmoments3220 as they #langed and #vitched the Rangers -1.5 and 80 fake dimes🙌
The loser lang record in this thread now sinks to:
99 - 129 = -4911
TheGx FADE #jtoler aka #brandonlang and #vitterd aka #kingmoments3220 Forum
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #angels #laangels #losangelesangels #jtroller #jtoler
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #angels #losangelesangels #laangels
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 14th 2023
TheGx FADE jtroller aka brandon lang and vitterd aka kingmoments3220 Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #angels #losangelesangels #laangels
The right wing wants to call the #LGBTQ community #groomers & indoctrinators but there is no better definition of indoctrination than seeing Christian web sites and religious messages literally positioned on the mound and backstop at a #MLB game. This is the current view of the #LAAngels - #SFGiants baseball game. #Christofascism #FauxChristians
#lgbtq #groomers #mlb #laangels #sfgiants #Christofascism #fauxchristians
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #laangels #angels #losangelesangels
Tribute To The "REAL" Fade brandon lang🤡 Thread - August 07th 2023
TheGx FADE brandon lang/jtroller Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #fadebrandonlang #fade #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #laangels #angels #losangelesangels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #ShoheiOhtani #Shohei #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
⚾MLB Thursday best bets: Ohtani to stay hot vs. Mariners🤞
TheGx MLB Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #shoheiohtani #shohei #angels #laangels #losangelesangels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #LAAngels #LosAngelesAngels #Angels
⚾MLB Monday best bets: Angels to rebound at home👍
TheGx MLB Forum🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #laangels #losangelesangels #angels
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #LosAngelesAngels #LAAngels #Angels
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - July 05th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #Toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #mlb #baseball #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #棒球 #losangelesangels #laangels #angels
Any weekend that involves not one, but 2 farmer's markets, a baseball game, a delicious meal at a Michelin star restaurant and an ice cream cone shaped like a fish - all with my favorite person in the world (my daughter) - represents one dang good #weekend !
#weekend #socal #laangels #farmersmarket
RT @dgoold
Not heard booing like this at Busch Stadium III -- ever, maybe.
Three runs (two on solo homers) from #LAAngels flip game in the ninth. #Cardinals now trail, 6-4, facing their fifth consecutive loss, their eighth in nine games.
#laangels #cardinals #stlcards #MLB
📰 ANGELS NEWS: The Angels and LHP Matt Moore are closing in on a deal.
H/T: Ken Rosenthal | The Athletic