Jim - kd9pah · @Jaybee
172 followers · 280 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Got out to the park to play a little radio today. We've had some 80° weather here in Illinois, which is not seasonal, but appreciated. Tried out the new solar rig. When using the lab599 tx500 I came back with as much battery charge as I left with on a 40 watt panel. Was an overcast day. So I expect I can do better. I'll put this one in the plus column.

#solar #lab599 #TX500 #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

· @cblument
6 followers · 10 posts · Server hachyderm.io

First activation in the snow of White River National Forest. I used the with a homebrew 20M EFHW. It was about 30 degrees and snowing with wind gusting to about 20mph.

#pota #lab599 #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim - kd9pah · @Jaybee
138 followers · 149 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Ham radio folks - anyone have any experience with any of the mag Loops being sold on Aliexpress? Generally about USD 100.00 plus or minus 20 bucks. Although there are a bunch of sellers, they all seem to be the same 2 or 3 loops. I am personally looking at some of the 20watt ones for portable ops with my . This this just for fun. I do understand the potential foibles of buying here.
If anyone has gone down this path - for good or ill, I'd love to hear from you.

#magloop #hamradio #TX500 #lab599

Last updated 2 years ago