Not seeing the results I expected building a rectangular Lock Screen widget. If I display a tiny piece of text and an SF Symbol with LabeledContent the top and bottom get cut off. But if I put the same info in HStacks separated by a Spacer() everything looks fine. 🤔
#swiftui #widgetkit #labeledcontent #iOS16
Thanks to a tip from @Alexbbrown I was able to make my LabeledContent output look like the output of Grid/Gridrow by actually putting those inside of a custom LabeledContentStyle. Now I get the benefit of VoiceOver reading the label and content together. #SwiftUI #a11y #LabeledContent
#swiftui #a11y #labeledcontent
@MuseumShuffle I guess that's one instance when mastodon (non) search would fail us. Let's help that out! #accessibilty #swiftUi #labeledContent #labeledContentStyle
#accessibilty #swiftui #labeledcontent #labeledcontentstyle