How the long shadow of drink giants pushes public health and sugar labelling into the shade via @ABCaustralia #health #nutrition #sugar #labelling
#health #nutrition #sugar #labelling
Sugar and alcohol labels warning:
How the long shadow of drink giants pushes public health and sugar labelling into the shade
“... an extraordinary case study in the American-style regulatory sabotage used by food and drink companies to fight consumer protection that risks their bottom line”. The "cosy relationships between governments and lobby groups are a cancer on our democracy”
#PublicHealth #SugarTax #alcohohl #lobby #labelling #FoetalAlcoholSpectrumDisorder #pregnant #FASD #food #drink #consumer #protection #PublicHealth #regulation
#publichealth #sugartax #alcohohl #lobby #labelling #foetalalcoholspectrumdisorder #pregnant #fasd #food #drink #consumer #protection #regulation
World's first alcohol health labelling policy to be introduced in Ireland
Talha Burki,of%20drinking%20alcohol%20while%20pregnant.
#elcohol #labelling #packaging
#elcohol #labelling #packaging
RT @competereEU: 🗣 @GaloisioA (ANICE): “Since #Nutriscore was implemented in #France 🇫🇷, there has been a 17% increase in #obesity. It is a clear signal that this #labelling system is not adequate!”
#Nutriscore #France #obesity #labelling
Browse Impresstik Labelling Systems online to check out the best range of #Labelling #Machines in #New #Zealand. We have over 50 years of experience within the labelling industry. Our labelling systems are created to your specifications and can be crafted for any industry.
#labelling #machines #new #zealand
"ChatGPT wird also von Hunderten von Billiglohnarbeitern in Asien und Afrika erzogen, aber nach welchen Kriterien? In diesem Punkt sind die Entwickler sehr wortkarg und es fehlt eine Offenlegung, um welche Wertevorstellungen es sich dabei genau handelt."
In Teil 2 des Gesprächs zu ChatGPT mit Michael Knoche geht Ranga Yogeshwar auf #Labelling , Wertevorstellungen und die Zukunft des Netzes mit ChatGPT ein:
#labelling #krekelborn #ki #chatgpt
RT @InstituteRev: Food Labelling - Information for a Sustainable Food System
📣 MEP Manuela Ripa will participate in the round table!
📣 W okrągły stole udział weźmie MEP Manuela Ripa!
#SFS #labelling #RoundTable #FF4C #REV #EU
#SFS #labelling #roundtable #FF4C #REV #EU
Explore Impresstik Labelling Systems online to get high quality #Labelling #Machines in #New #Zealand. We design our automatic labelling systems to meet your requirements. Our team of highly qualified experts will communicate with you directly to understand your requirements for labelling machine.
#labelling #machines #new #zealand
Nous appelons la Commission européenne à présenter, sans plus tarder, une proposition forte pour un système d'étiquetage nutritionnel harmonisé et obligatoire à l'échelle de l'Union européenne.
RT @wienerofficial: Standardised front-of-pack #labelling provides crucial transparency to consumers.
Supermarkets are full of highly processed products, with long, incomprehensible ingredient lists.
How are we supposed to make healthy choices if it's not clear what the…
Wir brauchen eine klare und EU-einheitlich verpflichtende #Kennzeichnung von #Lebensmitteln für bewusste und gute Kaufentscheidungen! Dazu haben wir die Kommission angeschrieben, damit der Gesetzesvorschlag endlich vorgelegt wird. #nutritionlabelling @wienerofficial @GreensEFA
RT @wienerofficial: Standardised front-of-pack #labelling provides crucial transparency to consumers.
Supermarkets are full of highly processed products, with long, incomprehensible ingred…
#Kennzeichnung #lebensmitteln #nutritionlabelling #labelling
RT @wienerofficial: Standardised front-of-pack #labelling provides crucial transparency to consumers.
Supermarkets are full of highly processed products, with long, incomprehensible ingredient lists.
How are we supposed to make healthy choices if it's not clear what these "foods" are made of? 1/
Impresstik Labelling Systems offers the most affordable and high-quality #Labelling #Machines in #Australia. We provide durable labelling machines at a reasonable cost. From a small hand-held labeler to an industrial-size automatic labeler, we have all of your labelling needs covered.
#labelling #machines #australia
If you speak two or more #languages and seek a good amount of #workload each month with #translation, #datacollection, #transcription, #testing, #engineering, #contentcreation, #judging/ #grading, #annotation/ #labelling, #UHRS and much more, consider joining OneForma by Centific:
I can't wait for you to become a part of this team. ;)
#work #job #opportunity #freelance #freelancing #language #multilingual
#languages #workload #translation #datacollection #transcription #testing #engineering #ContentCreation #judging #grading #annotation #labelling #uhrs #work #job #opportunity #freelance #freelancing #language #multilingual
Get the Perfect solution for your labelling machine needs from Impresstik Labelling Systems, we are a top rated and trusted #Labelling #Machine #Supplier in Australia. From small businesses to industrial facilities; our labelling systems can be tailored to your specifications.
Eating critically endangered species?
Endangered shark sold as flake in South Australia. Fish and chip shop customers are eating threatened and imported #shark species labelled as “flake” with less than a third of servings meeting #seafood #labelling standards.
Shortfin mako shark smooth hammerhead whiskery shark #flake #extinction
#shark #seafood #labelling #flake #extinction
U.S. government cracks down on scammy organic labels
#Organics #OrganicAg #Labelling #OrganicLabels #FoodPolitics #Foodie
#foodie #foodpolitics #organiclabels #labelling #organicag #organics
Wie sollte eine #EU weite & verbindliche #Tierwohl- #Kennzeichnung auf tierischen Produkten aussehen für bessere #Haltungsbedingungen und mehr #Verbraucherschutz? Lest dazu unsere Forderungen:
RT @AWintergroup: 📜 Read our new Manifesto on Animal Welfare #Labelling ➡️
📢 The @AWintergroup Working Group on #Labelling calls for a mandatory, multi-tier labelling scheme for all an…
#EU #Tierwohl #Kennzeichnung #Haltungsbedingungen #Verbraucherschutz #labelling
Survey: #Climate impact #labels on fast food, esp. negatively framed ones indicating high-climate impact items (red #meat), may be an effective strategy to reduce selection of meat and encourage more #sustainable choices: #diets #labeling #labelling
#climate #labels #meat #sustainable #diets #labeling #labelling
Review: Evaluative front-of-pack #nutrition labels (e.g. #NutriScore) are superior to reductive #labels (e.g. #NutrinformBattery) in terms of increasing #consumers understanding, acceptability & improving food choices: #health #warning #labeling #labelling
#nutrition #nutriscore #labels #nutrinformbattery #Consumers #health #warning #labeling #labelling