2023-06-22 #観劇 #オペラ #パレルモ・マッシモ劇場 「ラ・ボエーム」 びわ湖ホール大ホール
パレルモ・マッシモ劇場は、3年前に「ナブッコ」をみるはずだったが新型コロナでキャンセル。ロドルフォ役が、アゼル・ザダからイヴァン・マグリに変更と予告され、さらに当日は #笛田博昭 が歌ったが、それでも違和感なく好演。(4階D列センターブロック C席 15000円)
#laboheme #opera #teatromassimopalermo #BiwakoHall
#観劇 #オペラ #パレルモ・マッシモ劇場 #笛田博昭 #laboheme #opera #teatromassimopalermo #biwakohall
Start the week listening to music 🎶. Enjoy great opera with this excerpt of LaBohème Act I with The Metropolitan Opera's legends Lucine Amara and Richard Tucker performing live in 1969.
👉Click here: http://bit.ly/2fa25FP
#LucineAmara #opera #LaBohème #Puccini #MetOpera #metropolitanopera #RichardTucker #music #singer #operasinger
#operasinger #singer #Music #richardtucker #metropolitanopera #metopera #puccini #laboheme #opera #lucineamara #MondayMotivation
Every time I plug in my #Bose bluetooth speaker to charge it, it beeps like the first notes of Act III of La Boheme, and I can't ever think of anything else. Bravo, I guess. #Puccini #Opera #LaBoheme #Barrièred'Enfer @classicalmusic
#barriered #laboheme #opera #puccini #bose
97 years ago:
La Bohème (US)
It is 1830 in Paris and the rent is due, but the money is not there. An article here, a painting there and a monkey with a cup gives them enough money for the rent, but not for food. Fortunately, Musette from downstairs has enough food for everyone including Mimi - the poor little waif from next doo...
#LaBohème #KingVidor #LillianGish #JohnGilbert #MGM #PreCode #ClassicFilm
#laboheme #kingvidor #lilliangish #johngilbert #mgm #precode #classicfilm
Luciano Pavarotti and Mirella Freni, as Rodolfo and Mimi in the 1987 San Francisco production of La Boheme.
#classicalmusic #opera #pavarotti #freni #laboheme
#SydneyOperaHouse did a fantastic intimate little tour with our guide Bruce wagon was informative, funny and for whom nothing seemed too much trouble.
Looking forward to returning to see #VelvetRewired on Wednesday night then a HUGE dream experience coming true #LaBoheme at the #SydneyOperaHouse on Friday night.
#laboheme #velvetrewired #sydneyoperahouse
At the #opera! It's so lovely that #Eugene has one. Tonight is the warhorse known as #LaBohème, and the principals are quite good so far (first intermission). 👏 for the symphony last week, opera this week, theatre next week, & then the Eugene #Ballet the week after. Incredible for this town.
#opera #eugene #laboheme #ballet
#Operas #GiacomoPuccini #MadamaButterfly #LaBoheme
#GiuseppiVerdi #Aida #IlTrovatore
#Mozart #TheMarriageofFigaro #familylibrary
Like Aida and Madama Butterfly.Never seen performed live,went to YouTube to see the complete operas.So I decided to get this collection for myself and family.They have the complete libretto with annotations.
Complete history of the composers.Translation of the opera to English,so you can understand the story.
#familylibrary #operas #GiacomoPuccini #madamabutterfly #laboheme #giuseppiverdi #aida #iltrovatore #Mozart #themarriageoffigaro
Here is a thing of greaat beauty, which is indeed a joy forever ...
#music #pavarotti #opera #laboheme
Here is a thing of greaat beauty, which is indeed a joy forever ...
#music #pavarotti #opera #laboheme
RT @MusicOpera@twitter.com
[#NEWS] Alagna et Kurzak du Nouvel An✨
🎵@roberto_alagna@twitter.com et @Alek_Kurzak@twitter.com réserve une belle surprise aux véronais en s’invitant sur la scène Teatro Filarmonico di #Verona le 31 décembre 2022 pour une représentation exclusive de #LaBohème de #Puccini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MusicOpera/status/1603325098638835712
#news #verona #laboheme #puccini
So many new followers!! I don't know how to best thank you all! How about Mimì's aria «Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì» from Giacomo Puccini’s La bohème? This is kind of a behind-the-scenes recording from a rehearsal a few years ago, taken by a friend on the phone.
#opera #operaBubble #GiacomoPuccini #LaBohème #Mimì #MeganMarieHart #music
#opera #operabubble #giacomopuccini #laboheme #mimi #meganmariehart #music
#datenight with my (equal-first) favourite person in the world, Aileen pseeing my favourite opera #LaBoheme. Thank you #Glyndebourne for a brilliant production and a superb, diverse company. Also really appreciated the warm words of welcome before curtain. Opera is for everyone. #selfcare
#SelfCare #glyndebourne #laboheme #datenight