Lost female talent: differences in college aspirations & expectations in Germany d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:wzbp
…women express higher aspirations for college enrolment. Yet, they are more pessimistic about realising their aspirations. While… the subjective probability of success & perceived costs impact both genders, young women are also affected by formal restrictions limiting entry to their preferred fields of study

#laboreconomics #leakypipeline #gender

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Clemens · @m_clem
2436 followers · 993 posts · Server econtwitter.net

Delighted to be presenting a big update, for the first time today at @georgemasonu, to our research on the effect of less-than-high-school immigrant employment on US firms and workers.

We use naturally randomized allocation of immigrant employment. Summary thread of the original paper last year—> econtwitter.net/@m_clem/109383

Update in writing coming soon!

#laboreconomics #immigration

Last updated 1 year ago

The Gender Gap in Earnings Losses after Job Displacement d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ajk:ajkd
"… women’s earnings losses are much higher than men’s, with the difference persisting and growing five years after job displacement. … One important reason for women’s higher earnings losses is their much higher propensity to take up part-time or mini-job employment after displacement"

#wages #GenderPayGap #laboreconomics

Last updated 1 year ago

External pay transparency and the gender wage gap d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:zbw:rwir
"… providing publicly available wage information in vacancies, so-called external , can reduce the … reduction in the gender wage gap was caused by an increase in women's earnings, particularly at the lower part of the distribution. Earnings of men, on the other side, remained largely constant"

#laboreconomics #wages #GenderWageGap #PayTransparency

Last updated 1 year ago

The Matching Function: A Unified Look into the Black Box
"…matching improves if there is less inequality in job access among job-seekers: asymmetries unambiguously aggravate miscoordination and hurt the matching process.
…expanding agents’ opportunities is not necessarily a good thing: more links can actually worsen matching"

#networks #laboreconomics #labormarkets

Last updated 1 year ago

Does Unfairness Hurt Women? The Effects of Losing Unfair Competitions d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:rco:dpap
"… strong evidence that both male & female participants who lost rather than won a tournament are less likely to enter a subsequent competition. Importantly,… women are less persistent than men after experiencing failure when they know that failure may have been the result of unfairness"

#meritocracy #laboreconomics #ExperimentalEcon

Last updated 1 year ago

Persistent & Biased Memory: Evidence from Managers d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izad
"…findings in this paper are consistent with managers being overconfident about their future relative performance in the workplace, despite substantial feedback. The evidence of overly-positive memories of past feedback, & a link between these & overconfident predictions, points to an explanation based on ."

#laboreconomics #BoundedRationality #motivatedbeliefs #overconfidence

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Clemens · @m_clem
2426 followers · 958 posts · Server econtwitter.net

There’s a new, definitive book on the economic history of US over the past century.

Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan have given us a myth-cracking and enduring work based on their own top research. My review is out today in —> theunpopulist.net/p/a-landmark

#immigration #theunpopulist #laboreconomics

Last updated 1 year ago

"…trends in spatial wage in Canada, France, Germany, the UK & the USA from the mid-1970s to 2019. All countries experienced an increase in spatial inequality… In all countries except France, there is a strong trend of increased dispersion in wages paid at the top of the distribution between LLMAs, but for most countries some convergence in the lowest paid across areas."

#laboreconomics #labormarkets #wages #inequality

Last updated 1 year ago

Can we retrain older workers? forklightning.substack.com/p/c
"More people should go back to school, and we should pay them to do it"

#Ageing #laboreconomics #labormarkets

Last updated 1 year ago

What Makes Difficult? Evidence from Linked Survey-Administrative Data d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izad
"Around thirty percent of employers prefer to hire the already employed over the unemployed because they believe that unemployed workers have lower abilities due to negative selection or skill depreciation during unemployment. Firms with such preferences are more likely to report hiring obstacles."

#wages #discrimination #laboreconomics #labormarkets #hiring

Last updated 1 year ago

External Pay Transparency and the Gender Wage Gap d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izad
Introducing external pay led to a small overall reduction of the wage gap.
… reductions in the gender gap are due to women earning more, whereas men’s wages remain largely constant.

#GenderPayGap #gpg #wages #laboreconomics #gender #transparency

Last updated 1 year ago

Cognitive Skills among Adults: An Impeding Factor for Convergence? d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ces:cesw
"…suggest skills used on the labor market are a possible important driver for wages that is not stable over time and can accumulate or depreciate depending on labor market participation and family responsibilities.
Hidden factors…may additionally discourage women from gaining & preserving higher numeracy levels."

#laboreconomics #labormarkets #numeracy #gender

Last updated 1 year ago

Wage Inequality in Germany after the Minimum Wage Introduction
…influence of the 2015 introduction for the recent decrease in wage …find that the minimum wage introduction has an impact on monthly wages up to the 50th percentile, illustrating the existence of spillovers

#wages #laboreconomics #inequality #minimumwage

Last updated 1 year ago

Committee Deliberation and Differences in Influence d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ajk:ajkd
… committees’ final hiring decisions are systematically less aligned with the initial recommendations of women than with those of men, even though women are equally qualified & experienced. The estimated distribution of influence reveals that almost all men are more influential than the median woman.

#laboreconomics #behavioraleconomics #gender

Last updated 1 year ago

Mayobrot · @Mayobrot
53 followers · 293 posts · Server zirk.us

CAREER: Transfer Learning for Economic Prediction of Labor Sequence Data
…forms accurate predictions of job sequences on 3 widely-used economics datasets.
…find that CAREER can be used to form good predictions of other downstream variables; incorporating CAREER into a wage model provides better predictions than the econometric models currently in use.

#laboreconomics #econometrics #datascience

Last updated 1 year ago