Mitigating Age Biases in Resume Screening AI Models
"…trained an #AI model & applied #bias correction techniques …to correct for biases based on race, gender, & age. We analyzed the effectiveness of these tools in mitigating different types of bias in job #hiring algorithms, explored why age may be more challenging to eliminate than other forms of bias"
Interesting paper with a generous reference to
#Discrimination #ageism
#JobTech #LaborMarkets
#labormarkets #jobtech #ageism #discrimination #hiring #bias #ai
The Matching Function: A Unified Look into the Black Box
"…matching improves if there is less inequality in job access among job-seekers: asymmetries unambiguously aggravate miscoordination and hurt the matching process.
…expanding agents’ opportunities is not necessarily a good thing: more links can actually worsen matching"
#LaborMarkets #LaborEconomics #networks
#networks #laboreconomics #labormarkets
Employers who are trying to expand their talent pools amid a #laborShortage are rethinking their job requirements. Requiring a 4-year degree is a habit that they have fallen into over the last 15 years, & it excludes more than half the workforce.
Companies must support employees from diverse educational backgrounds to remain globally competitive. Still, a cultural shift is needed to eliminate #bias against non-degree holders
#SkillsOverDegrees #LaborMarkets #work #hiring
#hiring #work #labormarkets #skillsoverdegrees #bias #laborshortage
"…trends in spatial wage #inequality in Canada, France, Germany, the UK & the USA from the mid-1970s to 2019. All countries experienced an increase in spatial inequality… In all countries except France, there is a strong trend of increased dispersion in wages paid at the top of the distribution between LLMAs, but for most countries some convergence in the lowest #wages paid across areas."
#LaborMarkets #LaborEconomics
#laboreconomics #labormarkets #wages #inequality
Can we retrain older workers?
"More people should go back to school, and we should pay them to do it"
#LaborMarkets #LaborEconomics #Ageing
#Ageing #laboreconomics #labormarkets
What Makes #Hiring Difficult? Evidence from Linked Survey-Administrative Data
"Around thirty percent of employers prefer to hire the already employed over the unemployed because they believe that unemployed workers have lower abilities due to negative selection or skill depreciation during unemployment. Firms with such preferences are more likely to report hiring obstacles."
#LaborMarkets #LaborEconomics #Discrimination #wages
#wages #discrimination #laboreconomics #labormarkets #hiring
New Technologies and Jobs in Europe
…on average, employment shares have increased in occupations more exposed to #ai
… little evidence for a relationship between #wages and potential exposures to new technologies
#LaborMarkets #LaborEcon
#LaborEcon #labormarkets #wages #ai
Cognitive Skills among Adults: An Impeding Factor for #Gender Convergence?
"…suggest #numeracy skills used on the labor market are a possible important driver for wages that is not stable over time and can accumulate or depreciate depending on labor market participation and family responsibilities.
Hidden factors…may additionally discourage women from gaining & preserving higher numeracy levels."
#LaborMarkets #LaborEconomics
#laboreconomics #labormarkets #numeracy #gender
The workers at the frontlines of the AI revolution
The global labor force of outsourced and contract workers are early adopters of generative #AI — and the most at risk.
Longer Careers: A Barrier to Hiring and Coworker Advancement?
Delaying retirement may have important negative spillover effects for younger workers and women.
#LaborMarkets #LaborEcon
Structural Labour Market Change and #Gender Inequality in Earnings
"relative to men the structural labour market change improves earnings potential of women working in low- and middle-skilled occupations but not those in high-skilled occupations. Women are overrepresented in low paid social tasks (e.g. care) and are paid less for analytical tasks than men."
#LaborMarkets #LaborEcon #wages #gpg
#gpg #wages #LaborEcon #labormarkets #gender
The green side of productivity: An international #classification of green and brown #occupations
#LaborMarkets #LaborEcon
#LaborEcon #labormarkets #occupations #classification
via Econometrica:
Zoë B. Cullen and Bobak Pakzad‐Hurson show how pay transparency can lower worker bargaining power and wages
"A key insight is that employers credibly refuse to pay high #wages to any one worker to avoid costly renegotiations with others. …#transparency laws empirically lead wages to decline by approximately 2%"
#labormarkets #transparency #wages
How the 1963 Equal Pay Act & 1964 Civil Rights Act
Shaped the #GenderPayGap
…provides new evidence that federal anti-discrimination legislation was more consequential in combatting sex #discrimination in the 1960s than previously believed
…prohibiting sex-based pay & employment discrimination led to large increases in women’s wages, especially in lower-paying jobs …appears to have had little effect on median #wages among full-time, full-year workers
#labormarkets #wages #discrimination #GenderPayGap
Gen what? Debunking age-based myths about worker preferences
#LaborMarkets #Talent #InsightsOnPeopleAndOrganizationalPerformance
#labormarkets #talent #insightsonpeopleandorganizationalperformance
Hiring In A Tight Labor Market: What Entrepreneurs And SME Owners Need To Know To Win Over Top Talent - Finding the right employees for the job has perhaps never been more of a headache ... - #companyculture #entrepreneurs #smallbusiness #labormarkets #valuewalk #startups #benefits
#benefits #startups #valuewalk #labormarkets #smallbusiness #entrepreneurs #companyculture
Overconfidence dictates who gets ‘top jobs’ and men benefit more than women
#Overconfidence may be a significant factor in the #GenderPayGap and career progression. Men are more likely to be overconfident, and consequently more likely to land top jobs.
…suggest employers should rethink how they recruit and promote people, focus on more frequent performance-based feedback, and to encourage women to apply for promotions sooner
#BoundedRationality #labormarkets #GenderPayGap #overconfidence
Lockdowns are over. #WFH isn’t. Why?
#work #LaborMarkets
Pay #transparency laws result in worker discontent
While publishing pay ranges helps to attract better-suited candidates, it may upset existing employees if they earn less than new recruits.
#wages #LaborMarkets
#labormarkets #wages #transparency
The #IndustrialRevolution and subsequent #transformations altered the #dynamics of #labormarkets, #societalnorms, and #human interactions— much like #generativeAI applications in #biology had:
#industrialrevolution #transformations #dynamics #labormarkets #societalnorms #human #generativeAI #biology