Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an unmitigated partially re-heated piece of stagnant sh**.
Remember that posts regarding labour exploitation need Trigger Warnings.
#SarahHuckabeeSanders #arkansas #childlabor #LaborExploitation #labortrafficking #republicans #whitepeople #zerodayssincewhitenonsense #fkthissh #stoptheplanetiwantoff #LaborTrafficking Happens Here Too. Meat-packing and chicken-processing plants have been sites of extreme exploitation that may meet the definition of trafficking. However, rather than address such exploitation, #MAGARepublicans in the state legislatures of Minnesota & Iowa have introduced bills to allow minors to work later hours and in more dangerous jobs #ChildLaborLaws #ChildExplotation #ImmigrantRights #HumanRights
#labortrafficking #MAGARepublicans #childlaborlaws #childexplotation #immigrantrights #humanrights