“‘#StopSmarter’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall: Campaign group warning of the dangers of #RedTory government and to inform the public about #Starmer’s authoritarianism and ‘murky’ past holds launch event featuring leading left speakers”
via @skwawkbox
“There is, of course, no functional difference – at least for the better – between ‘long-time servant of the security state’ and compulsive promise-breaker Starmer’s red-Toryism and the blue version.”
#StarmerLies #StarmerOut #LabourRacism #LabourBigotry #LabourMisogyny #LabourIslamophobia #LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourFriendsOfBigOil #LabourFriendsOfBigBusiness #LabourCorruption #LabourFiles
#stopsmarter #redtory #starmer #starmerlies #StarmerOut #labourracism #labourbigotry #labourmisogyny #labourislamophobia #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourcorruption #LabourFiles