“After years of abandoned pledges under Keir #Starmer’s @UKLabour Party leadership, the party is now watering down its promises to strengthen employment rights. Labour is siding with employers over workers.”
via Karl Hansen in #Jacobin @jacobinbot
“Labour has consistently enjoyed twenty-point-plus leads in the opinion polls. The #Conservative Party is utterly exhausted and despised after thirteen years of austerity, a botched pandemic response, repeated scandals, and the worst cost-of-living crisis in living memory.
In this context, ditching workers’ rights policies would be, at best, a staggering act of political cowardice. At worst, it would demonstrate that Labour has sided with exploitative employers and will do little to address the poverty, insecurity, and inequality that blight the nation. We await confirmation that this is the trajectory — but the latest evidence is bleak indeed.”
#LabourLies #LabourCowardice #LabourHierarchyOfRacism #StarmerLies #KidStarver #ApartheidAppeaser #ApartheidEnabler #Amazon #GigEconomy #WorkersRights
#starmer #jacobin #conservative #labourlies #labourcowardice #labourhierarchyofracism #starmerlies #kidstarver #apartheidappeaser #apartheidenabler #amazon #gigeconomy #workersrights