GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
46 followers · 624 posts · Server

“‘’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall: Campaign group warning of the dangers of government and to inform the public about ’s authoritarianism and ‘murky’ past holds launch event featuring leading left speakers”

via @skwawkbox

“There is, of course, no functional difference – at least for the better – between ‘long-time servant of the security state’ and compulsive promise-breaker Starmer’s red-Toryism and the blue version.”

#stopsmarter #redtory #starmer #starmerlies #StarmerOut #labourracism #labourbigotry #labourmisogyny #labourislamophobia #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourcorruption #LabourFiles

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
41 followers · 514 posts · Server

figures took £10,000 gifts from and ahead of tax U-turn: Keir ’s Labour Party backtracked on plan to hike to 10% after being showered with freebies”

by Adam Ramsay in @openDemocracy

“Labour’s shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds, his senior parliamentary assistant (who is his wife), and Keir Starmer’s political director all attended Glastonbury festival in June as guests of YouTube, which is owned by Google. Including accommodation and ‘hospitality’, Reynolds estimates his Glastonbury package for two was worth £3,377 – significantly more than the cost of two regular tickets, which were £335 each.

The next day, reports emerged that Labour had ditched its proposal to hike tax on digital businesses like Google.”

#labour #Google #youtube #starmer #digitalservicestax #labourcorruption #labourlies #labourhypocrisy #LabourFiles #starmerlies #StarmerOut #stopstarmer #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourfriendsofzionism #labourracism #labourmisogyny #labourantisemitism #labourislamophobia

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
43 followers · 445 posts · Server


Not a very high bar of “leadership” to exceed though, is it?

When Nesrine Malik (in @guardian) describes the system that spewed as one “that indulges useless, morally vacuous politicians as long as they don’t threaten to reshape the economy or political culture” she’s also describing one that is indulging Keir ()

#johnson #kidstarver #starmer #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourfriendsofmurdoch #stopstarmer

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
43 followers · 433 posts · Server

Just read Rafael ’s piece in today’s @guardian: “The Tories are suffering from Dorries syndrome: paranoia steeped in denial”

Behr stood, & still stands (alongside Polly ), at the forefront of those who betrayed & who now lionise the !

He’s describing a party that has run out of ideas, is drowning in its fear of admitting its mistakes & is finding “comfort in pursuit of traitors, scapegoats and in conspiracy theory”.

Yet when you read this ⤵️ paragraph, you’d be hard pressed to know which political party he was describing: @conservatives or @UKLabour - which also has no serious ideas of how to get Britain out of the mess that we’re in!

“A party that dares not incriminate markets in its analysis of unfairness, and that refuses to grasp the levers of tax-and-spend to engineer equal opportunities, looks instead to grievance rooted in culture and identity. That is the appeal of “anti-woke” campaigns.”

#Behr #guardian #toynbee #corbyn #starmer #kidstarver #tory #tories #labour #stopstarmer #stoplabour #ToriesOut #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourfriendsofpolluters #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigpharna

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
40 followers · 389 posts · Server
GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
36 followers · 352 posts · Server
GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
20 followers · 170 posts · Server

“[‘Sir’ Kid] ’s bank holiday for ‘Lionesses’ would’ve cost more than ending 2-child cap: ‘ leader’ wants to keep more than a million children hungry, but wanted bank holiday for England women’s football team [had they won] – which would have cost (lots) more”


#starver #labour #SKWAWKBOX #starmer #stopstarmer #starmerlies #labourlies #LabourFiles #ItWasAScam #labourhierarchyofracism #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsodzionism #palestine #freepalestine

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
17 followers · 145 posts · Server
GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
17 followers · 145 posts · Server

@therightarticle “In blocking the from a visible political presence, in stifling its ideas and creativity in a time of crisis, is leaving the field open to the . They will be only too eager to highlight and exploit the deficiencies of a soulless @UKLabour - one that pays no more than lip service to resolving ’s problems.

And they will doubtless also scapegoat the usual suspects - not the rich, not those in power, but immigrants, Jews and ‘communists’ - who will be blamed for bringing the to its knees.

Ultimately, the smearing of and the left will bring about the very things the Labour right and the claim they seek to avert: Britain will become a darker, more , more authoritarian place.”

via Jonathan_K_Cook

#left #starmer #farright #britain #uk #corbyn #labour #establishmentMedia #racist #stopstarmer #neverlabour #StarmerOut #redtories #nevervotelabouragain #labourracism #labourzionism #labourfriendsofisrael #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourenablesapartheid

Last updated 1 year ago