If you're looking for #books to read over the long weekend, you could do worse than this #history of #LabourDay #LaborDay in #Canada penned by Craig Heron and my colleague Steve Penfold, "The Workers' Festival: A History of Labour Day in Canada" (2005). #Labour #LabourHistory #histodons #CdnHist
#cdnhist #histodons #labourhistory #labour #Canada #laborday #labourday #history #books
Note: In the #DudleyMoore and the Musical #Dalek episode of #TheMuppetShow, #Gonzo does a bit wherein he attempts to defuse a bomb while reciting the works of #PercyByssheShelley.
Yes, THAT Shelley, friend of #LordByron (defender of the #Luddites) and husband of #MaryShelley (author of the novel #Frankenstein).
Never let it be said that an advanced degree in literature is pointless.
#LabourHistory #PopCulture
#popculture #labourhistory #frankenstein #maryshelley #luddites #lordbyron #percybyssheshelley #gonzo #TheMuppetShow #dalek #dudleymoore
Free event (online or in person) with Lord Dubs, who will be reflecting on Britain's response to refugees and the global situation.
Tickets: https://www.lse.ac.uk/library/events/general/refugees-britains-response-and-the-global-situation
#labour #labourhistory #refugees #histodon #Lansbury
Who is this man?
I've recently been cataloguing the papers of Frank Wise, a Labour MP, ILP member, and civil servant who worked as Director of the Soviet Union's Trade Office Centrosoyuz in the 1920s.
Amongst his papers is this photograph of an unidentified man (it isn't Frank!)
Any ideas?
@sslh @histodons #history #histadon #labourhistory #labour #ilp #russia #sovietunion #frankwise #socialistleague #archives
#history #histadon #labourhistory #labour #ilp #russia #SovietUnion #frankwise #socialistleague #archives
Pictured here from the LSE Library archives is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first President of Bangladesh, meeting Peter Shore (Labour MP) at Heathrow Airport in 1973. They met on several occasions in due course, and Shore was very fond of him.
#Bangladesh #SouthAsia
#Labour #LabourHistory @histodons #histodon #archives #SouthAsianHeritageMonth
#Bangladesh #SouthAsia #labour #labourhistory #histodon #archives #southasianheritagemonth
Reminded today of Alistair Hulett's compelling song 'Blue Murder', about blue asbestos mining in West Australia. It's so powerful in its anger and so powerless against the scale of industrial negligence. 🧵/1
Blue Murder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNBbTGGn5CM&t=50s
CW for thread: Racism against Indigenous Australians; asbestos-related diseases
#FolkSong #FolkMusic #Socialism #Capitalism #Asbestos #PoliticalSong #Mining #LabourHistory #LaborHistory
#laborhistory #labourhistory #mining #politicalsong #asbestos #capitalism #socialism #folkmusic #folksong
Garden reading—
Ed, The Milibands and the Making of a Labour Leader (Medhi Hasan and James Macintyre, 2011). Isbn: 978-1-84954-102-2.
#books #reading #biography #labourhistory
Today the London Metropolitan Police has reputation for institutional corruption and abuse of powers. I was ever thus. As William Lovett put it in 1839, “the institution of a police force is an infringement on the constitution and liberties possessed by our ancestors.” #labourhistory #defundthepolice #Chartist
#labourhistory #defundthepolice #chartist
Zum heutigen #UNESCO-#WelttagDesBuches laden wir ein zu einem Ausflug mit @Fuhrmann in historische #Bibliotheksbestände der #Gewerkschaft #verdi:
Uwe Fuhrmann, Flanieren durch Bücher. Impressionen aus dem historischen Archiv der Gewerkschaft ver.di, in: #WerkstattGeschichte 76/2018, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/werkstuecke/
@bookstodon @histodons @bookhistodons @archivistodon
#WorldBookDay #books #BookHistory #archives #collections #LabourHistory #libraries #LibraryHistory
#unesco #welttagdesbuches #bibliothek #gewerkschaft #verdi #werkstattgeschichte #worldbookday #books #bookhistory #archives #collections #labourhistory #libraries #libraryhistory
Fantastic paper!
RT @PastPresentSoc
On advance access: "Machines in the Hands of Capitalists: Power and Profit in Late Eighteenth-Century Cornish Copper Mines"
by Mary O’Sullivan (@unige_en)
#Twitterstorians #SocialHistory #EconHist #HistCapitalism #LabourHistory
#twitterstorians #socialhistory #econhist #histcapitalism #labourhistory
#ReformeDesRetraites #retraites #NonALaReformeDesRetraites #greve28mars #GreveGenerale @UnionSolidaires @RevPermanente
RT @irsh_iisg
France is still in turmoil over plans to raise the retirement age. Want to know more about how retirement schemes developed? IRSH recently published two articles on this topic, by Jeffrey Sklansky and Timothy Minchin, both online in OA. #labourhistory #socialhistory - thread
#reformedesretraites #retraites #nonalareformedesretraites #greve28mars #grevegenerale #labourhistory #socialhistory
Chartism Day 2023 will be at Sheffield Hallam University on Saturday 17 June.
It's an opportunity to hear about new research and recent publications, and typically attracts a diverse audience of new and established academics, independent researchers, local and family historians, and others who simply want to find out more about this key historical movement.
Booking opens on 1 May.
#Chartism #LabourHistory #SocietyForTheStudyOfLabourHistory
#chartism #labourhistory #societyforthestudyoflabourhistory
TGI Friday, thanks to the organised working class. Now to the 4 day week . . .
#LabourHistory #JoinATradeUnion
#labourhistory #joinatradeunion
I feel like I need more unionists in my feed (the labour related sort! 😊) Canadian, American, World, we are all stronger working together. 💪 ✊ Please boost for reach, follow if you identify, and I’ll follow back! Thank you! 🙏 #labour #labourhistory #unions #workers #workersunite #bcpoli #canpoli #uspoli #internationalworkers
#labour #labourhistory #unions #workers #workersunite #bcpoli #canpoli #uspoli #internationalworkers
Our next #QUB #IrishStudies seminar will be on Mon. 6 March at 4.30pm - Dr Emmet O’Connor (UU) on his new book ‘Rotten Prod: The Unlikely Career of Dongaree Baird’
All welcome in-person/online - Please visit our Eventbrite page for tickets. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/rotten-prod-the-unlikely-career-of-dongaree-baird-tickets-557723675527 #Belfast #Waterford #LabourHistory #shipyards #IrishHistory
#QUB #irishstudies #belfast #waterford #labourhistory #shipyards #irishhistory
Our next #QUB #IrishStudies seminar will be on Mon. 6 March at 4.30pm - Dr Emmet O’Connor (UU) on his new book ‘Rotten Prod: The Unlikely Career of Dongaree Baird’
All welcome in-person/online - Please visit our Eventbrite page for tickets. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/rotten-prod-the-unlikely-career-of-dongaree-baird-tickets-557723675527 #Belfast #Waterford #LabourHistory #shipyards #IrishHistory
#QUB #irishstudies #belfast #waterford #labourhistory #shipyards #irishhistory
@peterrelph2 you should read this excellent comparative biography "Becoming John Curtin and James Scullin" by Liam Byrne (Melbourne University Press 2020). It turns out the left-winger (Curtin) still defended racism and Empire, while the right-winger (Scullin) was happy to pay lip sevice to socialism. When the socialisation objective was adopted, left politics was fundamentally defeated in the ALP, at least that's my reading of it. #LabourHistory #Labor #ALP
oday's #OccupationOfTheDay is...PYROTECHNIST:
"general term for persons engaged in making fireworks, mixing compositions for explosive or coloured effects, assembling, wrapping, attaching instructions."
Dict Occup'l Terms (1927)
#history #LabourHistory #histodons #geneadons #genealogy
📷 Rocket manufacture by hand, c/o Wikimedia Commons
#genealogy #geneadons #histodons #labourhistory #history #occupationoftheday
You know those docos that add colour to historical film?
I usually find them a bit twee and simplistic - but the series "Edwardian Britain in Colour" is a genuinely complex and nuanced set of social histories -- it complicates all sorts of ideas about industrial labour and working class life in the UK.
Fascinating from both a #designhistory and #labourhistory perspective. https://www.channel5.com/show/edwardian-britain-in-colour/
Back at work, so a wee academic #introduction.
I'm a PhD researcher at Edinburgh, looking at the Scottish Folk Revival's relationships with cultural hegemony.
I'm interested in: cultural hegemony, Gramsci, Raymond Williams, 'folk' culture, cultural revivalism, history of folk, Scottish folk culture and music, labour history, working-class culture.
Please say hi!
#Folk #Folklore #FolkMusic #TraditionalArt #Culture #Gramsci #Hegemony #Marxism #Socialism #LabourHistory #Scotland #Revival #PhD
#phd #revival #scotland #labourhistory #socialism #marxism #hegemony #gramsci #culture #traditionalart #folkmusic #folklore #folk #introduction