Sign the petition to stop taxpayers money being spent on booze, including Champagne in the Houses of Parliament bars. #EndMPSubsidies #ToryScum #LabourScum #ParliamentCorruption
#endmpsubsidies #toryscum #labourscum #parliamentcorruption
Politics isn’t like football. You don’t have to keep supporting the red team no matter how shit they are. They’re supposed to earn your vote rather than overtly pandering to billionaire donors, rabidly right-wing media moguls, private profiteers, fossil fuel polluters, economically illiterate austerity obsessives, and the most horribly vindictive minority of people in Britain. #NotMyLabour #LabourPartyMyArse #LabourScum
#notmylabour #labourpartymyarse #labourscum
"Imprisoning people on Bibby Stockholm will not improve your life in any way. If anything, life will get worse because when you give the government the green light to be cruel to others, you give them the green light to be cruel to you." #BibbyStockholm #PrisonShip #PrisonBarge #ToryPolicy #ToryScum #LabourScum #EstablishmentScum #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesAreWelcomeHere #Solidarity #SolidarityWithRefugees #CouncilEstateMedia
#bibbystockholm #prisonship #prisonbarge #torypolicy #toryscum #labourscum #establishmentscum #refugeeswelcome #refugeesarewelcomehere #solidarity #solidaritywithrefugees #councilestatemedia
RT @OffYourKnees
@scottishlabour The first time a party looks to solve the social care problem, along come English Labour to slag it off and out Scotland down. Foreign parties out. #labourscum