CEE: Labour migration on the rise.
Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) have moved at breakneck speed from developing to developed market status in the 19 years since their EU accession.
This brings serious investment, but also some of the afflictions of Western economies: aging populations, labour shortages, fast-rising wages and the need for labour immigration.
#Europe #CEE #Poland #Slovenia #Hungary #Czechia #Romania #Migration #LabourShortage
#labourshortage #migration #romania #czechia #Hungary #slovenia #poland #cee #Europe
Europe is facing a shortage of skilled workers. The Basque experience could be the answer.
Although no region is absolutely alike, there are lessons that can be adopted and scaled from the Basque model as EU member states prepare for the next wave of economic uncertainty and consequent clamour for talent.
#Europe #Basque #BasqueCountry #LabourShortage #Labour #Economics #Demographics
#demographics #economics #labour #labourshortage #basquecountry #basque #Europe
Construction jobs have been added to the UK government’s “shortage occupation list”, making it easier for foreign builders to come to Britain amid labour shortages partly caused by Brexit.
The government has relaxed visa restrictions for a number of sectors that face severe worker shortages, and has added bricklayers and masons; roofers, roof tilers and slaters; carpenters and joiners; plasterers and other construction workers to the list.
More Brits than ever say Brexit was wrong choice: YouGov survey https://www.euractiv.com/section/uk-europe/news/more-brits-than-ever-say-brexit-was-wrong-choice-yougov-survey/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Brexit #labourshortage #visapolicy
#Brexit #labourshortage #visapolicy
Tory lord blasts ‘significant sizeable wing’ of party as ‘completely and utterly insane’ | The Independent
#tories #taxcuts #Vaizey #mps #brexit #eu #EUWorkers #immigration #labourshortage #eustice
A leading Tory Brexiter has called on ministers to reopen the UK’s borders to tens of thousands of young workers from EU nations in order to tackle acute post-Brexit labour shortages that he says are driving up inflation.
George Eustice, a former environment minister, is calling for a reciprocal visa scheme so that under-35s can work across the EU and Britain.
#UK #EU #Brexit #LabourShortage #Labour #Work #Inflation #Migration
#migration #Inflation #Work #labour #labourshortage #Brexit #EU #UK
German parliament passed a new immigration law to tackle the shortage of skilled workers. It's designed to encourage more people from outside the European Union to come to Germany for work.
A major new innovation under the law is a new "opportunity card" and its associated points system.
A prerequisite for receiving a card will be a vocational qualification or university degree.
#Visa #immigration #laborshortage #labourshortage #Germany
Germany aims to address key ‘growth obstacle’ with more labour migration https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/germany-aims-to-address-key-growth-obstacle-with-more-labour-migration/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUmigrationpolicy #immigration #labourshortage #migrationpolicy
#eumigrationpolicy #immigration #labourshortage #migrationpolicy
Germany aims to address key ‘growth obstacle’ with more labour migration https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/germany-aims-to-address-key-growth-obstacle-with-more-labour-migration/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUmigrationpolicy #immigration #labourshortage #migrationpolicy
#eumigrationpolicy #immigration #labourshortage #migrationpolicy
Labour shortages: We are hard at work, France tells Commission https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/labour-shortages-we-are-hard-at-work-france-tells-commission/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Europeansemester #labourshortage #OlivierDussopt
#EuropeanSemester #labourshortage #OlivierDussopt
Skills: the new currency to enable work transitions [Promoted content] https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/opinion/skills-the-new-currency-to-enable-work-transitions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #employment #EuropeanYearofSkills #labourmarkets #labourshortage
#employment #EuropeanYearOfSkills #LabourMarkets #labourshortage
Skills: the new currency to enable work transitions [Promoted content] https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/opinion/skills-the-new-currency-to-enable-work-transitions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #employment #EuropeanYearofSkills #labourmarkets #labourshortage
#employment #europeanyearofskills #labourmarkets #labourshortage
💡Did you know that there is a #LabourShortage in the #technology sector?
💻If you are a #softwaredeveloper, this could be a great time to hone your #skills and update your CV!
Find out where the labour shortages are⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURESJob/status/1646137840126812167
#labourshortage #Technology #softwaredeveloper #skills #EURESjobs #EULabourAuthority
In 2016, the #SeamlessBoundaries program addressed a #labourshortage in Te Aroha by moving around 40 unemployed people from Kawerau, providing them with housing, mentoring, training and a job, with 95% success rate, improved quality of life and reduced #unemployment
In a time of increasing distance between townies & rural #NZ, often inflamed by political rhetoric, it's sad to see https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/131805911/national-promises-to-double-rse-worker-cap-ban-foreign-investment-in-farmtoforestry-conversions
#NZ has moved from planning and developing people to relying on #migration
#seamlessboundaries #labourshortage #unemployment #nz #migration
Global News BC: Some B.C. drivers wait months for repairs as autobody shops face labour, supply chain issues https://globalnews.ca/news/9584752/bc-crash-repair-delays-autobody/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupplyChainDisruptions #longwaitcarrepair #collisionrepairs #carrepairdelays #bcautobodyshop #labourshortage #vehiclerepairs #autorepairs #SupplyChain #Collision #Canada #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supplychaindisruptions #longwaitcarrepair #collisionrepairs #carrepairdelays #bcautobodyshop #labourshortage #vehiclerepairs #autorepairs #supplychain #collision #Canada #ICBC
Global News BC: Union says spring break cancellations show BC Ferries still behind on hiring https://globalnews.ca/news/9581890/bc-ferries-staffing-cancellations-union/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #bcferrieslabourshortage #ferrycancellations #ferrystaffshortage #BcFerriesStaffing #ferrycancellation #labourshortage #ferrystaffing #ferrylabour #BCFerries #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcferrieslabourshortage #ferrycancellations #ferrystaffshortage #bcferriesstaffing #ferrycancellation #labourshortage #ferrystaffing #ferrylabour #BCFerries #Canada
Global News BC: B.C. parents face childcare fee hikes as facilities miss out on provincial subsidy https://globalnews.ca/news/9567419/bc-childcare-fee-hike-concerns/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #childcareincreases #childcareincreases #ChildcareCosts #labourshortage #Childcarefees #wageincreases #FeeReduction #Education #Childcare #GraceLore #Politics
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #childcareincreases #childcarecosts #labourshortage #childcarefees #wageincreases #feereduction #education #childcare #gracelore #politics
The Tyee: Labour Shortage, or Bad Jobs? (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/03/10/Labour-Shortage-Bad-Jobs/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #BCChamberofCommercepresidentFionaFamulak #JimStanford,CentreforFutureWork #TemporaryForeignWorkerProgram #FinanceMinisterKatrineConroy #EmploymentStandardsBranch #BCFederationofLabour #BCFutureReadyPlan #BClabourshortage #SussanneSkidmore #labourshortage #BClabourgap
#BCNews #TheTyee #bcchamberofcommercepresidentfionafamulak #JimStanford #temporaryforeignworkerprogram #financeministerkatrineconroy #employmentstandardsbranch #BCFederationofLabour #bcfuturereadyplan #bclabourshortage #SussanneSkidmore #labourshortage #bclabourgap
@MarIel 😳 how is the local economy dealing with this? There must be a huge drop out of skilled workers? Any labour shortage issues? And is the media reporting about it, or is it a nerd 🤓 thing while the party goes on? #labourshortage #LongCovid
@inkstainedmags And also -
#LabourShortage = millions of workers died from COVID and additional millions of workers became (and are still becoming) disabled with Long Covid, which would be preventable if employers didn't treat workers as disposable