What is "All Hands on Deck"? It's a genuinely cross-disciplinary symposium @ UTS 19-21 July 2023, investigating the future of work, skill requirements and material production at a time of human and environmental calamity. It asks: What kinds of work – paid and unpaid – will be genuinely needed in the future, and what sorts of skills and capacities will this require? https://allhandsondeck2023.com/
Convened by myself and Dr Chantel Carr. The keynote speakers are Prof Alice Twemlow and Emeritus Prof Tim Ingold. Full speakers and abstracts lists due out in a matter of days... and the schedule and registration will be available soon after that.
#allhandsondeck2023 #futureofwork #futureskills #labourstudies #energyfutures #decarbonisation #justtransitions #environmentallabourstudies #design #designstudies #humangeography #labourgeographies #UTS #materialculture #repair #trades #skill #technicalskill #craft #manufacturing #production #workers #industrialrelations
#allhandsondeck2023 #futureofwork #futureskills #labourstudies #energyfutures #decarbonisation #justtransitions #environmentallabourstudies #design #designstudies #humangeography #labourgeographies #uts #materialculture #repair #trades #skill #technicalskill #craft #manufacturing #production #workers #industrialrelations
RT @CAWLS_ACETS@twitter.com
Looking forward to this upcoming event featuring @SeanCarleton@twitter.com, @DuricaPaul@twitter.com, Joseph Grim Feinberg, Anna Hoyles, and CAWLS member Julia Smith.
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mr-block-the-enduring-relevance-of-ernest-riebes-subversive-comics-tickets-506495450527 https://twitter.com/readBTLbooks/status/1612475866797285377
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CAWLS_ACETS/status/1615135169136189440
RT @UM_Labour@twitter.com
Looking forward to this free online talk on radical art and writing featuring several speakers, including #labourstudies professor Julia Smith.
Check it out! https://twitter.com/readBTLbooks/status/1612475866797285377
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UM_Labour/status/1615149375415799808