#LabPadre Rover 3's angle of the #Booster9 #StaticFire
Footage from LabPadre
#labpadre #booster9 #StaticFire #starbase #spacex #starship #superheavy
Let's dig in! A new #LabPadre Starbase Weekly Update is out! (Posted July 30th, Episode 73)
Footage from LabPadre
Edited by Lucid, timmy
Fediverse Starbase Tracker would also like to send condolences and mourn the loss of longtime LabPadre moderator Michael Mackenzie, to whom this episode is dedicated to.
#labpadre #starbase #spacex #starship #Falcon9
#LabPadre also hosts a #Starship livestream (with commentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpqULvjOMz4