La Brea: Warum starben Säbelzahnkatze und Co.? Menschengemachte Brände als unterschätzte Killer der Eiszeitfauna. #LaBrea #Eiszeit #Saebelzahn #Klima #Feuer #Braende #Erdgeschichte #Fossilien
#labrea #eiszeit #saebelzahn #klima #Feuer #braende #Erdgeschichte #Fossilien
DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra, & Digital Releases – June 6, 2023: RENFIELD, MAFIA MAMMA, LA BREA: Season 2, & More
#FilmBook #HomeEntertainmentNews #ComicBook #DCComics #HomeEntertainmentNews #Hulu #LaBrea #MafiaMamma #NBC #ParamountPlus #Peacock #RaidersOfTheLostArk #Renfield #TheCriterionCollection #TheHandmaidsTale #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures
#filmbook #homeentertainmentnews #comicbook #dccomics #hulu #labrea #mafiamamma #nbc #paramountplus #peacock #raidersofthelostark #renfield #thecriterioncollection #thehandmaidstale #waltdisneystudiosmotionpictures
DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra, & Digital Releases – April 25, 2023: JESUS REVOLUTION, TRIANGLE OF SADNESS, HIS DARK MATERIALS: Season 3, & More
#FilmBook #HomeEntertainmentNews #AdultSwim #Cheers #ComedyCentral #EvilDeadRise #HBO #HBOMax #HisDarkMaterials #HomeEntertainmentNews #JesusRevolution #LaBrea #Mission:Impossible #NBC #ParamountPlus #Peacock #Primal #ScreamVI #TheCriterionCollection #TheManchurianCandidate #Triang
#filmbook #homeentertainmentnews #adultswim #cheers #comedycentral #evildeadrise #hbo #hbomax #hisdarkmaterials #jesusrevolution #labrea #mission #nbc #paramountplus #peacock #primal #screamvi #thecriterioncollection #themanchuriancandidate #triang
S.W.A.T. und La Brea: Fortsetzungen der Deutschlandpremiere im Mai bei Sky 1 #SWAT #LaBrea @SkyDeutschland
I just rated La Brea ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ #LaBrea #trakt
I just rated La Brea Season 2 ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #LaBrea #trakt
Just watched the season finale of #LaBrea via @peacock ... It's entertaining in a goofy sorta way, but there are SO MANY plot holes (like did the writers really forget that Gavin's "visions" were actually memories from his past?) #TheJourney
#LaBrea Boss Unpacks the Season 2 Finale's Back to the Future-y Twist and That Dino-Mite Reveal
TV TONIGHT (February 28)
#LaBrea #IAmJazz #SexBeforeTheInternet #Catfish #HelpImInASecretRelationship #HomesteadRescue #TheTraitors #PerfectMatch #AWholeLifetime #WillTrent #WWENXT #Chopped #TheWinchesters #TheOval #RHONJ #FixerToFabulous #FBIMostWanted
#FBIMostWanted #fixertofabulous #RHONJ #theoval #TheWinchesters #Chopped #WWENXT #willtrent #awholelifetime #perfectmatch #thetraitors #homesteadrescue #helpiminasecretrelationship #catfish #sexbeforetheinternet #iamjazz #labrea
#NightCourt on #NBC and #PeacockTV
#LaBrea (x2) on #NBC and #PeacockTV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
(2 of 2)
#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #WWENXT #labrea #PeacockTV #nbc #nightcourt
#LaBrea Boss Teases Finale's 'Bleak' Aftermath of Explosive Twist, Weighs In on Talk of '6-Episode Final Season'
NBC released Promotional Photos of La Brea episode "The Journey – Part 2" (2.14/S02E14) #LaBrea #NBC
NBC released Promotional Photos of La Brea episode "The Journey – Part 1" (2.13/S02E13) #LaBrea #NBC
LA BREA: Season 2, Episode 13: The Journey, Part 1 / Episode 14: The Journey, Part 2 TV Show Trailer [NBC]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #ChikéOkonkwo #EoinMacken #JackMartin #JonSeda #JoshMcKenzie #LaBrea #LilySantiago #MichelleVergaraMoore #NatalieZea #NBC #NicholasGonzalez #Peacock #RohanMirchandaney #ScienceFiction #TonantzinCarmelo #VeronicaSt.Clair #ZyraGorecki
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #chikeokonkwo #eoinmacken #jackmartin #jonseda #joshmckenzie #labrea #lilysantiago #michellevergaramoore #nataliezea #nbc #nicholasgonzalez #peacock #rohanmirchandaney #sciencefiction #tonantzincarmelo #veronicast #zyragorecki
#LaBrea could teach a masterclass on luring me in on a juicy sci-fi premise while delivering a screenplay that feels slow and tedious.
It's a real love-hate relationship for me. It's almost like an addiction to scratch off cards. Maybe I'll get the jackpot today? Eh, 5 bucks back isn't so bad. Better luck next time.
Like, it at least beats the shows that don't spark enough of my interest to watch episode one. And it beats the shows that I completely stop watching after a few episodes. But that's about as far as it goes.