5. according to some research I have learned that technically the oldest rpg i've played is d&d 3e. i was going to say OD&D/ b/x/the one with THAC0 but #LabyrinthLord came out in 2007. this post originally had a joke about THAC0 and here it is: THAC0.
Welche deutschsprachigen #OSR -Blogs könnt ihr mir empfehlen?
#pnpde #ttrpg #dnd
#labyrinthlord #OSE
#dccrpg #osric
#osr #pnpde #ttrpg #dnd #swordsandwizardry #labyrinthlord #ose #dccrpg #osric #alrik
Nachdem Autor Dan Proctor das Projekt "Labyrinth Lord 2E" mit dem OGL-Drama komplett zurückgezogen hatte, scheint das Projekt nun wieder in Gang zu sein - aber er verfolgt nun nicht mehr das Ziel, einen "Retroklon" des frühen Drachenspiels zu bauen. Spannend!
(ich hoffe, mal, dieses Posting ist glaubwürdig.)
Labyrinth Lord 2E update!
> Character classes are similar to B/X, with some notable differences. Clerics are removed, their spells were replaced or reworked and folded into all of the spells. … new classes are brownies, elf-like people that average 4' to 4.5' tall, who combine elements of spell casters and thieves. And cyclops, large people with one eye. Very tough fighters, kind of filling a barbarian role.
#ttrpg #rpg #osr #opendnd #labyrinthLord
#ttrpg #rpg #osr #opendnd #labyrinthlord
Anybody wanna play #OSR #BX #DnD on mondays at 9pm PST? Using #labyrinthLord #OSE or whatever.
#OSE #labyrinthlord #dnd #bx #osr
@charlie_epsilon @randomwizard #LabyrinthLord also has a second book Advanced Edition Companion that extends that Moldvay Basicesque game into #ADnD territory
Today, I'm gonna look at fitting #DarkSun with #GLOG. I think #OSRIC would work, and so would #LabyrinthLord, though those systems might want for a little tweak or two. But for now I'm gonna see if GLOG is actually feasible.
#darksun #glog #osric #labyrinthlord
#DarkSun! What if Dark Sun, but like originally intended and no psionics (psychogenic powers) and no elves, dwarves, or humans-with-funny-hats. Maybe just no psychogenic powers (it was just thrown in to sell the psionics books). I haven't even started Banestorm and I'm already salivating for another game #RPGInfidelity. Idk whether I'd do #GURPS, #GLOG, #OSRIC, #LabyrinthLord, or #ADnD2e. Making the Templars in GLOG would be dope. Defiling and preserving could be separate wizard schools. :dnd:
#darksun #rpginfidelity #gurps #glog #osric #labyrinthlord #adnd2e