Azerbaijan sets up checkpoint on vital road to Armenia
#Azerbaijan #Armenia #NagornoKarabakh #Lachin #Russia #cease-fire
#cease #russia #lachin #NagornoKarabakh #armenia #azerbaijan
Depuis plus d’un mois, la seule route vers le Haut-Karabakh est fermée par l’Azerbaïdjan : Aliev prend en otage 120 000 civils arméniens, coupés de tout, privés d’alimentation et de soins. L’Europe n’a plus le droit de financer cet État terroriste.
#HautKarabakh #Artsakh #Lachin
#hautkarabakh #artsakh #lachin
"In the meantime, the impasse on the Lachin Corridor continues with no apparent end in sight."
Social, Economic, and Political Pressures Increase in Karabakh #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Lachin
#Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh may be in a desperate situation. The #Lachin corridor is blocked by "eco-activists", supported by #Azerbaijan 's government. Manu countries have called on Azerbaijan to lift the blockade and reopen the Lachin Corridor. U.S. officials have warned of a “significant humanitarian crisis” if it remains shut. But ut seems for president Aliyev it is a way to put #Armenia under pressure in order to make it more active in the bilateral negotiations.
#armenians #lachin #Azerbaijan #Armenia
#Azerbaijan must end the blockade of the #Lachin corridor, which has left residents of Nagorno Karabakh without access to essential goods and services. Freedom of movement and protection of economic and social rights for those affected must be ensured
#Armenians #protest near #Russian military base.
The demonstrators demand the withdrawal of #Russian #peacekeepers and the closure of the 102nd military base in #Gyumri. They accuse the Russians of inaction and inability to unblock the #Lachin corridor.
Protesters began to detain the police.
#armenians #protest #russian #peacekeepers #gyumri #lachin
Comme il ne se passe rien contre eux, les Azéris se sentent pousser des ailes. Ce jour, ils ont bloqué le passage d'1 convoi des forces de paix russes... qui sont supposées contrôler le corridor de #Lachin ! Pendant ce temps, 120 000 #Armeniens d'#Artsakh #HautKarabakh agonisent.
#lachin #armeniens #artsakh #hautkarabakh
Les Turcs à #Lachin, maintenant ! L'ambassadeur de Turquie en 🇦🇿 est venu soutenir le blocus illégal de l'#Artskah #HautKarabakh par les Azéris. Cela augure très mal d'un règlement rapide et pacifique de la situation. Pendant ce temps, 120 000 #Armeniens meurent à petit feu...
#lachin #artskah #hautkarabakh #armeniens
Immense manifestation transpartisane à #Erevan ce soir jusqu'au siège local de l'#ONU pour appeler le monde civilisé à faire débloquer le corridor de #Lachin, fermé par les Azéris qui asphyxient depuis 9 jours le peuple #armenien d'#Artsakh. Les Russes ne bougent pas ? Bougeons !
#erevan #onu #lachin #armenien #artsakh
1/ If you haven’t been watching the situation in the so-called #Lachin Corridor, the only road connecting Armenia and #Karabakh, you should now. The Armenian-Azerbaijani situation may be sliding slowly back into conflict. A short thread.
Armenia/Azerbaijan:🇪🇺 follows w/serious concern situation around #Lachin corridor;calls on 🇦🇿 to ensure freedom & security of movement in line with the 3lateral statement of November‘20.🇪🇺 also concerned by reports of 🇦🇿 cutting off gas supply to Karabakh!PXxQDh