#BCgovernment has a 10 year, $734-million plan to build 1,500 housing spaces for #women & #children #FleeingViolence . In the meantime, Julie said people are #trapped in #DangerousSituations .
She’s calling for greater #FinancialSupport for ssurvivors , who may have been #FinanciallyDrained by #AbusivePartners .
#VancouverIsland #vanisle #DomesticViolence #LackOfHousing #SafeHousing #DomesticAbuse #HelpForSurvivorsNeeded #BritishColumbia #BCPoli #SocialProblems
#bcgovernment #women #children #fleeingviolence #trapped #dangeroussituations #FinancialSupport #financiallydrained #abusivepartners #vancouverisland #vanisle #domesticviolence #lackofhousing #safehousing #domesticabuse #helpforsurvivorsneeded #britishcolumbia #bcpoli #socialproblems
..her team found that both volunteers & the people being asked a long series of questions about their #LackOfHousing – some of whom have participated in almost every #homeless count since they started in #BritishColumbia in 2003 – were getting frustrated that the process did nothing to help individuals. Moreover, there was no way to track them to find out if anything changed.
“With #anonymous #data , that person can never be linked to #housing ,” Ms. Atkey said.
#lackofhousing #homeless #britishcolumbia #anonymous #data #housing #bcpoli