¿what if I told the Mafia? You_Compromised otherwise Healthy D.N.A. and for that (Zero_Forgivenss) ¶Levant 6 Febuary 2023 {0417}
¿what if I told you? Do the best you can with what you have; leave things better than you found them:
#turkey #pera #lacosalimerick #五果f
You don't know the Oregon_Grape; you've never seen Mahonia_Aquifolium:
If I told you to Stop being Bitch_Made about G.M.O. Krops; that they are needed for the Survival of Humanity you'd do the exact Opposite because that's what you do:
#facts #abortion_is_as_wrong_as_procreation #lacosalimerick
¿what if I told you? Trash is a Good_God_Damn_Curse and it should be treated as Such:
Tru_Story: ni Déchéance d'Babylon; est Criminalia_Concordance