I am not sure if this is good or bad but it's cute.
>breakfast for 8... #sausage #fox #animalsoftiktok #wildlife #sausageroll #ladbaby #greggs
#Greggs #ladbaby #sausageroll #WildLife #animalsoftiktok #fox #Sausage
Just heard a clip of the #Ladbaby Shitmas single and I think I want to tear my ears off.
Seeing as #LadBaby is number 1 again, here’s your annual reminder that despite giving the impression they want to help food banks, this is a facade, and they are in fact a pair of Tory apologist twats.
Stop giving these grifters money and donate to a charity directly.
BBC News - LadBaby: Food Aid is the UK's Christmas number one
Oh dear...
#news #music #NumberOne #goodcause #ladbaby
People appreciate British comedy for its sophistication, its subtlety and, perhaps above all, the way we end things long before they overstay their welcome (Think Fawlty Towers, 12 Episodes and done) as opposed to beating things into the ground for syndication money like US network TV.
Please don't tell them about #LadBaby.
Cada año en la lista de UK el nº1 de navidad es un tema especial y suele acaparar un gran volumen de ventas. Desde hace 5 años el proyecto #ladbaby, que recauda fondos para los bancos de alimentos, acapara el nº1 navideño, este año también. Escuchamos sus temas. #TopEuropaClub
@tmyerscough And actually just heard #Ladbaby interviewed on BBC 6 o'clock news saying "How nice that #foodbanks are now associated with Christmas"
Just how low are we setting the bar for this country?
Fuck this country. Anyway, I’m off to see @mogwaiband@twitter.com in their spiritual home of @TheBarrowlands@twitter.com with a woman that I’m seriously punching above my weight with. So y’know, swings n roundabouts.
RT @officialcharts@twitter.com
❄️ LadBaby are the UK’s Christmas Number 1 2022 ❄️ Mark and Roxanne Hoyle make UK chart history today - get the full story: #XmasNo1 #LadBaby https://bit.ly/3YKkcZn
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/officialcharts/status/1606349035736109082
Am I the only person who doesn't get the #LadBaby thing? A song, admittedly naively hoping to end world famine now reclaimed because children in one of the world's wealthiest countries are too poor to eat? I get its a fundraiser but seriously if the UK doesn't take a good hard look at itself after this then I don't know what...
Funny how the UK doesn't make the World Food Programme's list of emergencies in 2022 - but hey, forget #FeedTheWorld and let's just focus on a rich country whose public continually vote themselves poorer, eh #Ladbaby?
#Feedtheworld #ladbaby #GTTO #WFP
#LadBaby to beat Beatles record in unignorable signpost of Britain's decline
No one is saying ladbaby is a bootlicking Tory, begging for a news years honour, actually I am - please give money direct to a charity this Christmas, rather than fame seeking tory apologists like him.
#christmas #christmasnumber1 #christmasnumberone #ladbaby #tory #tories #TrussellTrust #charity #ToriesOut
#christmas #christmasnumber1 #christmasnumberone #ladbaby #tory #tories #TrussellTrust #charity #ToriesOut
Who thought #ladbaby’s version of #FeedtheWorld was a good idea? As a teenager I remember it being about poverty in third world countries and almost 40 years later it’s the #UK. If that’s not a call to get the #ToriesOut I don’t know what is.
#ladbaby #feedtheworld #uk #toriesout
The real #LadBaby https://open.spotify.com/track/3tS2NiNQzSiGmxrckFsboX?si=83cbd71083fc439f
Mrs LadBaby: HAHAHAH! Guess what, LadBaby? HAHAHAHA!!
LadBaby: Wot? Wots goin on?
Mrs LadBaby: I just fell off me chair and pissed meself! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mrs LadBaby: HAHAHAHHA!!
LadBaby (to camera): Thanks guys! Don't forget to like and subscribe and also buy our new Christmas single "Sausage Rolls Make Us Rich On The Back Of Other People's Poverty"
LadBaby enters the room.
LadBaby: Wouldn't it be proper mental if I stuck me foot in me gob?
Mrs LadBaby: HAHAHAHA! Naah don't do that! It's well bad! HAHAHAHAAA!
LadBaby rolls around on the floor grunting, trying to put his foot in his mouth.
In his efforts to fit his lips around his bare foot, a doubled over LadBaby inadvertently soils himself
Fuck #LadBaby this is a real charity record https://open.spotify.com/track/7vbdSdW5YGowb3wBFLByGh?si=f483e8530a524f3f
#ladbaby #dotheyknowitschristmas