#today I'm much recovered from a cold me looking out the window at a glorious blue sky and the trees in full leaf. Also reading the calculating stars, the first of the #ladyAstronaut novels by @maryrobinette
After living the #LadyAstronaut books, of course I had to read #TheSpareMan by Mary Robinette Kowal as well.
There's much to like about it: a SF mystery plot on a cruise space ship bound for Mars, where both recycling and different spin gravity levels play a role. A gender-neutral society where everyone's introduced with their pronouns and all physical characteristics (white, bald, fat, athletic, blue-haired...) are equally neutrally described. Recurring pub quiz trivia questions.
Acabo de ver a alguien en reddit describir a la serie de #LadyAstronaut como "not truly hard sci fi", y no lo voy a responder, porque no tengo ganas de entrar en esa discusión, pero no puedo evitar pensar que si el libro fuera escrito por un hombre si sería considerado "hard sci fi"
Teil 2 von Mary Robinette Kowals #LadyAstronaut-Reihe "The Fated Sky" - "Für die Sterne bestimmt" kam bei mir an! 🥳🥳🥳
Bitte, lest es alle, es ist so toll! 😍👩🚀Ausgeheckt mit dem Piper Verlag und @the_remote_part - intersektionaler Feminismus, Retro-Science-Fiction und Klimawandelmetapher!
I recently returned to Mastodon after a 5? 6? year break in which my original account disappeared with that server, so I'm starting off fresh.
I'm a neurodivergent librarian who pursued libraries to make my book habit "affordable."
My #sff origin story started in #StarWars (the original trilogy) & #StarTrek as a kid. I don't really do #1 favs, but some recent book series I've loved include #TheExpanse, #WaywardChildren, #Binti, and #LadyAstronaut.
#introduction #sff #starwars #startrek #theexpanse #waywardchildren #binti #ladyastronaut
🧵 A super worthwhile thread
RT @MaryRobinette@twitter.com
Let's talk about spacesuits, specifically Extravehicular Mobility Units, and being a #ladyastronaut.
The EMUs on the ISS were designed more than 40 years ago, with a 15-year shelf life.
11 of the original 18 are still in use.
Only 4 are on the ISS.
Those are the only EMUs. https://twitter.com/lorengrush/status/1110290350005014529
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryRobinette/status/1110394121515134976